3 Books By Andy Clark

Supersizing The Mind

PSU BD418.3.C532 2008 Oxford University Press

Too much "Scholar X says" for easy reading, but some good ideas from those scholars, which Clark amplifies. I skimmed, but would spend a week with this book if I had a week to spare.

Clark argues that if an external physical object performs a function that could conceivably be implemented as brain matter, it is effectively part of the EXTENDED mind. If Anne has a fully functioning memory, and Otto has a defective brain memory but a diary/book that he uses the same way, then his external and her internal memories are can be considered components of their respective minds.

Contrast to BRAINBOUND: human cognition depends directly on neural activity alone.


Penn Jilette is a magician, and exploits change blindness. He is also a libertarian, a political anti-magician.

Personal bicycles are tuned to the rider. Portland/Nike's orange "shared" bikes have some interesting technology, but are "one size fits all"; while that means that they all feel the same, they are not as optimal as a personal bike. So there a political statement here: "you are an interchangable cog", and those who don't fit the bikes are disadvantaged.

Music - Does the beat of tapping toes and other rhythmic body movements exploit mechanical resonances? Are musician preferences for particular piano actions because their skills require them? Can the piano-actions be precisely electromechanically mimicked? Can the adaptive piano-actions be used to train musicians, or make a great musician out of a merely adequate one?

Natural Born Cyborgs



PSU BF311.C54 1989