Books by Paul Collier

Center for Study of African Economies at Oxford

The Plundered Planet

Oxford University Press 2010 333.7 COLLIER - Hillsboro

I started this slow - Collier focuses on governance, while I focus on tools for the powerless. That is where the book ends up. He is an economist, and thinks about incentives.

Collier's focus is on stewardship of resources, natural and economic, for the benefit of the poor and the future. He castigates corporate, government, and "romantic" mismanagement.

Quadrants of 194 countries: wealthy, emerging, Russia/China, and the bottom billion, each about 25% of the world's land.

Resource plunder: extracted by foreign corporations, bribes to government ministers, no lasting value for people. Best management would invest the resources in local development, and in wealthy country markets until local conditions permit development.

Resource extraction: Countries don't know what they have. Countries can change the rules and abrogate contracts. Commodity pricing is extremely volatile. This makes pricing deals extremely difficult, and citizens get less because of the cupidity of their rulers. Many resource-extracting countries end up worse-off economically, creating debt in boom times when they should invest almost all of it.

Norway, Botswana, Malaysia: resources turned into long term growth and security. Transition to prosperity can take a decade, patience is rewarded.

Nigeria: vast oil money, misinvested. The Concrete Armada - ships full of concrete for construction, nowhere to unload or use it, so Lagos pays huge demurrage fees for the ships to wait. Nigerian oil wealth redistributed according to population, not usefulness - and provinces inflate population statistics to get more. Lagos is the choke point - more people moving there, insufficient resources, an underequipped gateway to the world.

p129: Nuhu Ribadu, Nigerian policeman appointed by President Obasanjo to prosecute corruption. Chased out after Obasanjo left office.

p133: absorption problem of managing incresed investment. Manage three things 1) public investment (with tendered bidding) 2) complementary private investment 3) price of purchased capital goods.

veto points checkpoints in the process, stopping abuses.

Cost-benefit analysis can fail to capture immeasurable benefits. Economists unavailable to do the analysis.

p139: doubling city population increases percapita productivity 6%.

Romantics: Anti-tecnnology in Britain (aristos), Anti GMO in Europe, "Food"-ihol in US (but anti-Brazilian sugar biofuel, the efficient kind). Prince Charles: romantic aristocrat (KL: seemingly no education in science or logical thinking). "peasants in aspic"

p146: To facilitate fast response to extraction commodity price crashes, policy should facilitate opening and closing businesses.

p147: capital goods are inelastic - boom time investment drives up construction and equipment cost. contested land titles chokes off construction.

p148: small markets inelastic, unresponsive

p149: slumps are the best time for construction and infrastructure investment

p155: medieval Britain planted yew trees for long bows, but "thanks to technology we can now shoot people more efficiently".

p156: What will the future think of us? when we deplete assets, are we compensating the future with other (technical? structural?) assets?

p159: the future will judge us not for our actions, but for their ideological convenience.

p160: public assets are plundered - overfishing because nobody owns them.

p163: $80B fish catch, $30B subsidies. OECD subsidizes fleets to plunder bottom-billion oceans (Sierra Leone) Somalia fisheries ransacked by foreign fleets, fishermen resorted to piracy.

p165: un-owned fish will be plundered to extinction

p168: Collier proposes assigning nonterritorial ocean fish to UN which sells rights, collected where landed or sold wholesale, and priced to reflect future demand increase.

p177: Assignment of carbon rights creates rent-seeking, lobbying machines, and scamming.

p185: Carbon tax that reflects $40/ton damage, applied globally, leads to global coordination

p187: There is no reason for a government to use a carbon tax to raise its total revenue take sez Collier; nonsense say I. They will raise taxes as much as they can.

p195: Copenhagen summit based on theology of guilt, attribution of blame. Had the poor countries industrialized simultaneously with us, CO₂ levels would be huge. We help them achieve prosperity because we can and we should, not because we've generated more CO₂ since 1940. "Blame" and "rights" will simply shift high pollution industries to them, as it has shifted those industries from California to China.

p210: Food is inelastic, increased demand in Asia raises prices for the poor. CO₂ increases climatic volatility (I thought it moved agricultural zones towards the poles?) so prices will be more valuable.

p211: Urban poor spend half their income on food. Children starve, stunted development, long term cost. food-miles thinking starves and impoverishes. Commercial agriculture 10%-20% more efficient.

The Bottom Billion

Oxford University Press 2007 338.9009 COLLIER - Hillsboro

The war on savings - my neologism

NGOs driven by ideology, hate growth and investment. The headless heart.

p11: "Yet the central problem of the bottom billion is that they have not grown."

G8 2005 meeting, Gleneagles, 2007 meeting, Germany

Poverty Traps

p79: escape rate 2% per year

p81: recent change: 80% of developing countries' exports are manufactures

p82: Krugman Venables: "economics of agglomeration", first factory improves infrastructure for second factory, feedback growth

p83: Madagascar 1990s, export processing zone grew to 300K (of 15M) jobs, strangled by election-losing Admiral Didier Ratsiraka

p86: China makes resource deals to support dictators like Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe.

p89: Institutional Investor 1(bad)-100(good) country risk scale: Uganda from 5 in 1990? (worst in Africa) to 23 in 1997

p91: capital flight often hidden in fake export pricing. in 1990 author estimated 38% of private wealth held abroad. Bad local investment conditions frighten domestic investors.

p93: Migration is "human capital flight" - education brings remittances but not local development

Aid: usually reactively timed, much after cessation of conflict but not for long term growth.

Military intervention: Best: US in Kuwait, British Operation Palliser in Sierra Leone. Worst: US in Iraq, Somalia, Angola. French in Côte d'Ivoire.

Laws and Charters Banks take loot from corruption, but little oversight, compared to finances for terrorism.

Trade Policy p156: guilt "is contrived, and diverts attention from a practical agenda". "poverty is simply the default option when economies malfunction".


Oxford University Press JC6033.C65 2013 PSUlib

An eye-opening book, politically incorrect, about migration from poor to rich countries.

Until the bottom billion catches up with the developed world, migration is how ambitious people escape poverty and war. "Too many" and they form into diasporas in the host countries, unassimilated and conflicting with the indigenous populations. Collier's main prescription is to set limits on migration to maximize the benefits for smaller numbers of migrants.

The main problem is that assimilation slows when a diaspora is big enough and concentrated enough to isolate migrants from the indigenes in mutually suspicious camps. The left favors "cultural diversity" over assimilation (I suppose I should eat lutefisk and wear a cowboy hat), which creates tension, and politically exploitable groups with grievances.

Collier's grandfather Karl Hellenschmidt immigrated from Ernsbach Germany to Bradford England around 1900, married an English wife, and had 6 children by the beginning of World War One. He is interned as an enemy alien, his wife suicides, and his twelve year old son leaves school to run the family shop. Twenty years later, Karl Hellenschmidt Jr. moves and changes his name to Charles Collier. My grandfather immigrated from Sweden in 1911, and changed his last name from "Löfström" "Lofstrom" when he settled in Oregon. He probably encountered some anti-European hostility during World War One, but America was (and is) better at assimilating than Britain.
