Attachment ''
Download 1 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
2 # v0.1 2013 Fri 25
3 #
4 # This finds the crossing density through the equatorial plane
5 #
6 # ./ < {two line element file}
8 use Astro::SpaceTrack;
9 use Astro::Coord::ECI;
10 use Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE;
11 use Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set;
12 use Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils qw(deg2rad rad2deg);
14 my $rdel = 200.0 ; # km
15 my $rmin = 6400.0 ; # km
16 my $rmax = 50000.0 ; # km
17 my $r288 = 12789.0 ; # km
18 my $nmin = int( $rmin/$rdel) ; # minimum bin
19 my $nmax = 1 +int($rmax/$rdel); # number of bins
21 my $cntall = 0 ;
22 my $cnt288 = 0 ;
23 my $pi = 4.0*atan2(1.0,1.0) ;
24 my $mu = 3.986004418e5 ; # km3/s2 (no oblate effects)
25 my $v288 = sqrt($mu/$r288) ;
27 my @crosstab = (0.0)*$nmax ;
28 my $fluxtab = (0.0)*$nmax ;
29 my $r = (0.0)*2 ;
31 foreach $el ( Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->parse( <> ) ) {
33 my $nam = $el->get('name'); # name
34 my $bod = $el->body_type(); # body type
35 my $apo = $el->apogee(); # apogee km
36 my $per = $el->perigee(); # perigee km
37 my $sem = $el->semimajor(); # semimajor axis km
38 my $prd = $el->period(); # period sec
39 my $ecc = $el->get('eccentricity'); # eccentricity
40 my $inc = $el->get('inclination'); # inclination radians
41 my $apg = $el->get('argumentofperigee'); # arg of perigee radians
42 my $v01 = sqrt( $mu*( 1.0 - $ecc**2 )/$sem ); # orbit velocity
44 $cntall += 1 ;
46 # radius at equatorial crossings (two places)
47 $r[0] = $sem * ( 1.0 - $ecc**2 ) / ( 1.0 + $ecc*cos($apg) ) ;
48 $r[1] = $sem * ( 1.0 - $ecc**2 ) / ( 1.0 - $ecc*cos($apg) ) ;
50 for( my $cross = 0 ; $cross <= 1 ; $cross += 1 ) {
51 my $bin = int( $r[$cross] / $rdel ) ;
52 $bin = $nmax if ( $bin > $nmax ) ;
53 $crosstab[$bin] += 1.0/$rdel ; # crossings in that bin
54 # crossings per square meter per second
55 $fluxtab[$bin] += 5e-7 / ( $prd * $pi * $rdel * $r[$cross] );
56 }
57 }
59 printf( "# total objects=%8d\n", $cntall );
60 printf( "# radius crossers flux\n" );
62 for( my $oc = $nmin ; $oc <= $nmax ; $oc += 1.0 ) {
63 my $rr = $oc * $rdel / 1000.0 ; # thousands of kilometers
64 printf( "%10.3f%10.3f%10.2e\n", $rr, $crosstab[$oc], $fluxtab[$oc] );
65 }
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