Attachment 'echrome04.c'


   1 // echrome04.c
   2 // compile:  gcc -o echrome04 echrome04.c -lgd -lpng -lm
   3 //
   4 //  Plating and unplating an electrochromic thruster
   6 #define  NAME  "echrome04"
   7 #define  RATE   10  
   9 #define FNT    "DejaVuMonoSans"
  11 #define FSZ     20               // this scales the font and the whole drawing
  12 #define NPICS   50               // 
  14 #define LINETHICK 1
  15 #define XSIZE   (60*FSZ)
  16 #define YSIZE   (32*FSZ)
  17 #define WIDE    ( 2*FSZ)
  18 #define TALL    (16*FSZ)
  19 #define XCENT   (30*FSZ)
  20 #define YCENT   (16*FSZ)
  21 #define ITILT   0.18
  23 #define  ASIZE  2 
  25 #include <gd.h>
  26 #include <math.h>
  27 #include <string.h>
  28 #include <stdlib.h>
  29 #include <sys/stat.h>
  30 #include <sys/types.h>
  32 #define PI 3.14159265359
  33 #define DEG2RAD(x) ((x)*PI/180.)
  35 // ----------------------------------------------------
  36 char     rmmkdir[200] ;
  37 char     pngfmt[ 200] ;
  38 double   ffrac                ; // frame fraction
  39 int      sign                 ; // sign of battery
  41 gdImagePtr im;
  43 int      ytop= YCENT - TALL/2 ;
  44 int      ybot= YCENT + TALL/2 ;
  45 int      deltay = (int)( ((double)ITILT)*((double)XCENT) ) ;
  46 int      black, white, gray   ;
  47 int      red,   lred          ;
  48 int      green, lgreen        ;
  49 int      sun1, dgray, trans   ;
  50 int      light[256]           ; // Yellow color range
  51 int      light1               ;
  52 double   pi2                  ; //  
  53 double   atom[1000]           ;
  55 //======================================================================
  57 //----------------------------------------
  58 void atom_init() {
  59    int  y  ;
  60    for( y=ytop ; y<= ybot ; y += ASIZE ) {
  61       atom[y]=drand48() ;
  62 }  }
  64 //----------------------------------------
  65 void frame_init() {
  66    im     = gdImageCreateTrueColor(XSIZE, YSIZE);
  68    white  = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 255, 255, 255);
  69    black  = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   0,   0,   0);
  70    gray   = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 127, 127, 127);
  71    dgray  = gdImageColorAllocate (im,  64,  64,  64);
  72    red    = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 255,   0,   0);
  73    green  = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   0, 255,   0);
  74    lred   = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 255, 224, 224);
  75    lgreen = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 224, 255, 224);
  76    sun1   = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   0,  51, 102);
  77    trans  = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   1,   1,   1);
  78 }
  80 //----------------------------------------
  81 void light_init() {
  82    int i          ;
  83    int rx, gx, bx ;
  84    double di      ;
  86    for( i=0 ; i < 256 ; i++ ) {
  87       di        = (double) i                             ;
  88       int rx    = (double)(                         di ) ;
  89       int gx    = (double)(  51.0 + (204.0/256.0) * di ) ;
  90       int bx    = (double)( 102.0 - (102.0/256.0) * di ) ;
  92       // printf( "%3d%4d%4d%4d\n", i, rx, gx, bx );
  94       light[i] = gdImageColorAllocate( im, rx, gx, bx ) ;
  95    }
  96    sun1   = light[0] ;
  97    light1 = light[255] ;
  98 }  
 100 //----------------------------------------
 101 void draw_background() {
 102    gdImageFilledRectangle( im, 0, 0, XSIZE-1, YSIZE-1, sun1 );
 103 }
 105 //----------------------------------------
 106 void draw_light() {
 108    int    light01  = light[ 127 ] ;
 110    // gamma is funny, so this corrects additive light
 111    int    light02  = light[ ((int)(127.0 * (1.0+0.3*sqrt(ffrac)))) ] ;
 113    int    light03  = light[ ((int)(127.0 *      ffrac ))     ] ;
 114    int    light04  = light[ ((int)(127.0 * (1.0-ffrac)))     ] ;
 116    gdPoint  alight[8] ;
 118    // incoming triangle
 119    alight[0].x = 0             ;
 120    alight[0].y = ytop - deltay ;
 121    alight[1].x = 0             ;
 122    alight[1].y = ytop + deltay ;
 123    alight[2].x = XCENT         ;
 124    alight[2].y = ytop          ;
 125    gdImageFilledPolygon( im , alight, 3 , light01 ) ;
 127    // reflected addition 
 128    alight[0].x = 0             ;
 129    alight[0].y = ytop + deltay ;
 130    alight[1].x = 0             ;
 131    alight[1].y = ybot - deltay ;
 132    alight[2].x = XCENT         ;
 133    alight[2].y = ybot          ;
 134    alight[3].x = XCENT         ;
 135    alight[3].y = ytop          ;
 136    gdImageFilledPolygon( im , alight, 4 , light02 ) ;
 138    // reflected triangle
 139    alight[0].x = 0             ;
 140    alight[0].y = ybot + deltay ;
 141    alight[1].x = 0             ;
 142    alight[1].y = ybot - deltay ;
 143    alight[2].x = XCENT         ;
 144    alight[2].y = ybot          ;
 145    gdImageFilledPolygon( im , alight, 3 , light03 ) ;
 147    // passthrough 
 148    alight[0].x = XSIZE-1       ;
 149    alight[0].y = ytop + deltay ;
 150    alight[1].x = XSIZE-1       ;
 151    alight[1].y = ybot + deltay ;
 152    alight[2].x = XCENT         ;
 153    alight[2].y = ybot          ;
 154    alight[3].x = XCENT         ;
 155    alight[3].y = ytop          ;
 156    gdImageFilledPolygon( im , alight, 4 , light04 ) ;
 157 }
 159 //----------------------------------------
 160 void draw_sun() {
 161    gdImageFilledRectangle( im, 0, ytop-deltay, 10, ybot-deltay , light1    );
 162 }
 164 //----------------------------------------
 165 void draw_atoms() {
 166    int  y  ;
 167    double a = 0.5+(double) XCENT      ;
 168    double f = ((double)(WIDE-ASIZE))*(1.0-ffrac) ;
 169    for( y=ytop ; y< ybot ; y += ASIZE ) {
 170       int x = (int)(a+f*atom[y])   ;
 171       gdImageFilledRectangle( im, x, y, x+ASIZE, y+ASIZE, white );
 172 }  }
 175 //----------------------------------------
 176 void draw_frame() {
 178    int ffx, fx1, fx2, ffy, fww, fw2, xcc ;
 179    int yb1, yb2, yb3, yb4, yb5      ;
 180    int xb0, xb1, xb2, xb3, xb4, xb5 ;
 181    int xc0, xc1, xc2, xc3, xc4, xc5 ;
 182    int yc1, yc2           ;
 184    ffx = (int)      FSZ   ;
 185    fx1 = (int) (0.7*FSZ)  ; 
 186    fx2 = (int) (0.5*FSZ)  ;
 187    ffy = (int) (0.7*FSZ)  ;
 188    fww = (int)    (WIDE)  ; 
 189    fw2 = (int)  (WIDE/2)  ; 
 190    xcc = (int)   (XCENT)  ;
 192    // printf( "%5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d\n", ybot, xcc, ffx, ffy, fx2, fw2 );
 194    yb1 = ybot +     ffy   ;
 195    yb2 = ybot + 2 * ffy   ;
 196    yb3 = ybot + 3 * ffy   ;  // center
 197    yb4 = ybot + 4 * ffy   ;
 198    yb5 = ybot + 5 * ffy   ;
 200    xb0 = xcc  - fw2       ;
 201    xb1 = xcc  + fw2 - fx1 ;
 202    xb2 = xb1  +       fx2 ;
 203    xb3 = xb2  +       fx2 ;
 204    xb4 = xb3  +       fx2 ;
 205    xb5 = xcc  + fw2 * 3   ;
 207    xc0 = xcc  - 2*fww     ; 
 208    xc1 = xc0  + ffx       ;
 209    xc2 = xc1  + ffx       ;
 210    xc3 = xcc  + 3*fww     ;
 211    xc4 = xc3  - ffx       ;
 212    xc5 = xc4  - ffx       ;
 213    yc1 = yb3  - ffx       ;
 214    yc2 = yb3  + ffx       ;
 216    // printf( "%5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d  %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d\n", 
 217    //          xb0,xb1,xb2,xb3,xb4,xb5, yb1,yb2,yb3,yb4,yb5     );
 219    gdImageSetThickness( im, 3 );
 220    gdImageRectangle( im, xcc-fww, ybot, xcc     ,  ytop, white );
 221    gdImageRectangle( im, xcc+fww, ybot, xcc+2*fww, ytop, white );
 223    // battery
 224    gdImageSetThickness( im, 5 );
 226    gdImageLine(      im,     xb0, ybot,       xb0,  yb3, white );
 227    gdImageLine(      im,     xb0,  yb3,       xb1,  yb3, white );
 228    gdImageLine(      im,     xb1,  yb1,       xb1,  yb5, white );
 229    gdImageLine(      im,     xb2,  yb2,       xb2,  yb4, white );
 230    gdImageLine(      im,     xb3,  yb1,       xb3,  yb5, white );
 231    gdImageLine(      im,     xb4,  yb2,       xb4,  yb4, white );
 232    gdImageLine(      im,     xb5,  yb3,       xb4,  yb3, white );
 233    gdImageLine(      im,     xb5, ybot,       xb5,  yb3, white );
 235    gdImageSetThickness( im, 7 );
 237    if(      sign == 0 ) {
 238       gdImageLine(   im,     xc0, yb3,        xc2,  yb3, green );
 239       gdImageLine(   im,     xc1, yc1,        xc1,  yc2, green );
 240       gdImageLine(   im,     xc3, yb3,        xc5,  yb3, red   );
 241    }
 242    else if( sign == 1 ) {
 243       gdImageLine(   im,     xc0, yb3,        xc2,  yb3, red   );
 244       gdImageLine(   im,     xc4, yc1,        xc4,  yc2, green );
 245       gdImageLine(   im,     xc3, yb3,        xc5,  yb3, green );
 246    }
 247    gdImageSetThickness( im, 1 );
 248 }
 250 //=====================================================================
 252 int main () {
 253    FILE   *pngout              ;
 254    char   comment[80]          ;
 255    char   dirname[80]          ;
 256    char   framename[80]        ;
 257    int    frame                ; // frame count
 258    int    npics                ; // last frame count
 259    int    i                    ; 
 260    pi2    = 8.0*atan(1.0)      ; // pi
 262    npics  = (double)NPICS      ;
 264    sprintf( rmmkdir, "rm -rf %sdir ; mkdir %sdir", NAME, NAME );
 266    system( rmmkdir )           ; // make directory
 267    atom_init()                 ; // set up atom points
 269    for( frame = 0 ; frame <= npics ; frame++ ) {
 271       printf( "%04d/%04d\r", frame, npics );   fflush( stdout );
 273       frame_init()             ; // set up colors
 274       light_init()             ;
 276       // sinusoidal fraction variation
 277       ffrac = 0.6*(0.8333-cos( pi2*((double)frame)/npics ));
 279       if(        ffrac < 0.0 )   { sign=-1 ; ffrac=0.0 ; }
 280       else if(   ffrac > 1.0 )   { sign=-1 ; ffrac=1.0 ; }
 281       else if( frame < NPICS/2 ) { sign= 1 ; }
 282       else                       { sign= 0 ; }
 284       draw_background()        ; // draw sunw background
 285       draw_light()             ; // draw light
 286       draw_sun()               ; // draw sun
 287       draw_atoms()             ; // draw atoms
 288       draw_frame()             ; // draw frame and battery
 290       /*
 291       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL,  white, FNT, 1.5*FSZ, 0.0,       // TITLE
 292                            (int)(2.0*FSZ), (int)(2.0*FSZ),
 293                           "Electrochromic Light Shutter" );
 295       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, black, FNT, 0.7*FSZ, 0.0,    // TITLE
 296                            (int)(XCENT+3*WIDE),
 297                            YSIZE-(int)( 0.5*FSZ),
 298                           "Polarity(?)" );
 299       */
 301       sprintf( framename, "%sdir/a%04d.png", NAME , frame );
 302       pngout = fopen ( framename , "wb");
 303       gdImagePngEx( im, pngout, 1 );
 304       gdImageDestroy (im);
 305       fclose (pngout);
 306    } // end of frame loop
 307 }  

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