Attachment 'pa04.c'


   1 // phased array, 7x7
   2 //
   3 // compile with:       cc -o pa04 pa04.c -lgd -lpng -lm
   4 //
   5 // Uses the libgd library.  For documentation see the file:
   6 //      /usr/share/doc/gd-*/index.html
   7 //   or the website:
   8 //
   9 // You will need truetype fonts.  If you don't have them, you can
  10 // copy ../fonts/truetype/.. from to /usr/share/
  11 //
  12 // Uses swftools to build a swf movie from individual png images
  13 //        for more information, see
  14 //
  15 // This constructs half the slides, then mirrors them
  17 #include "gd.h"
  18 #include "math.h"
  19 #include <stdio.h>
  20 #include <stdlib.h>
  21 #include <unistd.h>
  23 #define  RMMKDIR     "rm -rf pa04dir ; mkdir pa04dir"
  24 #define  PNG2SWF     "png2swf -o pa04.swf -r 20 pa04dir/*.png"
  25 #define  PNGFMT      "pa04dir/a%04d.png"
  27 #define  YCENT       130
  28 #define  WAVELENGTH  104.0        // radio wavelength in pixel units
  29 #define  SPACE       40.0         // array spacing in pixel units
  30 #define  NPICS       40           // the number of frames
  32 #define  TANG        30.0         // target angle in degrees
  34 #define  SPOT        16           // size of drawn spot
  35 #define  ASIZE       7            // number of elements per side
  36 #define  XSIZE       1000         // display window in pixels
  37 #define  YSIZE       750          // display window in pixels
  38 #define  FNT         "DejaVuMonoSans"
  39 #define  FSZ         10
  41 // ==========================================================================
  43 int main() {
  45    gdImagePtr im                    ; // pixel image map used by gd
  46    double   space  = (double) SPACE ; // nominal spacing between server-sats
  47    double   yacent = (double) YCENT ; // center of array drawing
  48    double   xsize  = (double) XSIZE ; // width of pixels
  49    double   ysize  = (double) YSIZE ; // height of pixels
  50    double   pi2    = 8.0*atan(1.0)  ; // two times PI
  51    double   d2r    = pi2/360.0      ; // degrees to radians conversion factor
  52    int      oxc    = XSIZE/2        ; // center of output pixel array
  53    int      oyc    = YCENT          ; // center of output pixel array
  54    int      ybot   = 2*YCENT        ; //
  55    double   xacent = (double) oxc   ; // real ""
  56    double   k     = pi2/WAVELENGTH  ; // wavenumber
  57    FILE     *pngout                 ; // file handle for PNG output frame
  58    char     dirname[80]             ; // frame output directory
  59    char     framename[80]           ; // directory/name of frame
  60    char     labstring[80]           ; // used for labelling
  61    char     link0[80]               ; // directory/name of source
  62    char     link1[80]               ; // directory/name of target hardlink
  63    int      black, sun1, white, red ; // color map numbers
  64    int      green, blue, gray       ; // color map numbers
  65    int      dgray, trans, olp, olm  ; // color map numbers
  66    int      gcolor[256]             ; // color map numbers
  67    double   ax[ASIZE][ASIZE]        ; // x position of element
  68    double   ay[ASIZE][ASIZE]        ; // y position of element
  69    double   ap[ASIZE][ASIZE]        ; // phase of element
  70    double   xx, yy                  ; //
  71    int      ix, iy                  ; // integer counters
  72    int      ox, oy                  ; // output pixel position
  73    int      i                       ; // general counter
  74    int      fs                      ; // big label font size
  75    int      icolor                  ; //
  76    int      cir                     ; //
  77    int      mag                     ; // pixel magnitude, 0-255
  78    double   ss                      ; // summed sin component
  79    double   phase                   ; // phase
  80    double   gphase                  ; // global time phase
  81    double   axx                     ;
  82    double   sxx                     ;
  83    double   stang=sin(d2r*TANG)     ;
  84    double   ctang=cos(d2r*TANG)     ;
  85    int      frame                   ; // animation frame count
  86    int      pct=0                   ; // percentage of complete frame
  87    int      pct0=0                  ; // previous percentage
  88    double   dis                     ; 
  89    double   ffrac                   ; // frame fraction, 0 to 1
  90    int      asize = ASIZE           ; // nominal spacing of server-sats
  91    int      asize2 = asize*asize    ; //
  92    double   offset=0.5*(1.0-asize)  ; // offsets counter integer to center
  93    double   norm                    ; // normalize
  95    norm=1.0/(double)asize2          ; // normalize
  97 //  set up target directory
  99    system( RMMKDIR );
 101 //  define array with even spacing ---------------------------------------
 103    for( iy=0; iy<asize ; iy++ ) {
 104       yy = space*(((double)iy)+offset) ;
 105       for( ix=0; ix<asize ; ix++ ) {
 106          // compute array positions
 107          xx = space*(((double)ix)+offset) ;
 108          ax[ix][iy] = xx+xacent ;
 109          ay[ix][iy] = yy+yacent ;
 110          ap[ix][iy] = k*(ctang*yy+stang*xx) ;
 111       }
 112    }
 114 #ifdef DEBUG
 115    for( iy=0; iy<asize ; iy++ ) {
 116       for( ix=0; ix<asize ; ix++ ) {
 117          printf( "%2d%2d%10.2f%10.2f%10.4f\n",
 118                  ix,iy, ax[ix][iy], ay[ix][iy], ap[ix][iy] );
 119       }
 120    }
 121 #endif
 123 //  outer loop, sinusodial random factor change --------------------------
 124 //  from 0 to 1 to 0
 126    for( frame=0 ; frame<NPICS ; frame++ ) {
 128       ffrac  = ((double)frame)/((double)NPICS);
 129       gphase = pi2*ffrac ;
 131 // set up array and define colors -----------------------------------------
 133       im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(XSIZE, YSIZE );
 135       // Allocate standard colors
 136       black = gdImageColorAllocate(im,   0,   0,   0);
 137       white = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 255, 255);
 138       olm   = gdImageColorAllocate(im,  32,   0,   0);
 139       olp   = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 224, 224);
 140       sun1  = gdImageColorAllocate(im,  51,  51, 102);
 141       red   = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255,   0,   0);
 142       green = gdImageColorAllocate(im,   0, 255,   0);
 143       blue  = gdImageColorAllocate(im,   0,   0, 255);
 144       gray  = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 128, 128, 128);
 145       dgray = gdImageColorAllocate(im,  48,  48,  48);
 146       trans = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 1, 1, 1);
 148       // allocate gray scale array
 149       for( icolor=0 ; icolor<256 ; icolor++ ) {
 150         gcolor[icolor] = gdImageColorAllocate(im, icolor, icolor, icolor);
 151       }
 153 //   now compute phases
 155       for( ox=0 ; ox<XSIZE ; ox++ ) {
 156          pct0  = pct ;
 157          pct   = (100*ox)/XSIZE ;
 159 #ifndef SINGLE
 160          if( pct != pct0 ) {
 161             printf( "%04d/%04d%4d\r", frame, NPICS, pct ) ;
 162             fflush(stdout);
 163 	 }
 164 #endif
 165 	 for( oy=0 ; oy<YSIZE ; oy++ ) {
 167             ss = 0.0 ;                  // sum the components
 169             // compute z distance and phase of each source to plane
 170             for( iy=0; iy<asize ; iy++ ) {
 171                for( ix=0; ix<asize ; ix++ ) {
 172                   yy = (double) (oy-ay[ix][iy]);
 173                   xx = (double) (ox-ax[ix][iy]);
 174                   dis = sqrt( xx*xx+yy*yy ) ;
 175                   if( dis > 0.9 ) {
 176                       // not inverse square!!!
 177                       axx = -gphase + ap[ix][iy] + k*dis ;
 178                       sxx = sin( axx );
 179                       ss += sxx ;
 180                   } else {
 182 #ifdef DEBUG
 183                       printf( "%6d%4d", ox, oy );
 184 #endif
 185                   }
 187 #ifdef DEBUG
 188                   if( (oy==384) && (ox==512) ) {
 189                      printf(
 190                        "%2d%2d %7.0f%7.0f%10.4f %10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f\n",
 191                                ix,iy,  xx,   yy,  sxx,
 192                                axx, ap[ix][iy],  k, dis );
 193 		  }
 194 #endif
 195             }  }
 197             mag = (int)( 127.0*(1.0+norm*ss ) );
 199 #ifdef DEBUG
 200             if( ( oy == 384 ) && (ox == 512 ) ) {
 201                printf( "%4d%4d%13.4f%13.4f%12d\n", ox, oy, ss, gphase, mag );
 202             }
 203             printf("%5d",mag );
 204 #endif
 206             if( mag < 0 ) {
 207                gdImageSetPixel( im, ox, oy, olm         ) ;
 208             }
 209             else if( mag > 255 ) {
 210                gdImageSetPixel( im, ox, oy, olp         ) ;
 211             }
 212             else {
 213                gdImageSetPixel( im, ox, oy, gcolor[mag] ) ;
 214             }
 215       }  }
 217 #ifdef DEBUG
 218       printf("\n%4d\n", frame);
 219 #endif
 221 // Slide Label ----------------------------------------------------------
 223       fs= ybot/8 ;
 224       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL,            // imagespace, bounding box
 225                     white , FNT, fs, 0.0,   // color, font, fontsize, angle
 226                     15     , fs+15  ,       //  x, y
 227                     "Phased Array" );       //  text
 229 // draw array ------------------------------------------------------------
 231       for( iy=0; iy<asize ; iy++ ) {
 232          for( ix=0; ix<asize ; ix++ ) {
 233             ox     = (int) ax[ix][iy] ;
 234             oy     = (int) ay[ix][iy] ;
 235             cir    = SPOT+6 ;
 236             gdImageFilledEllipse(im, ox, oy, cir, cir, black          );
 238             cir    = SPOT ;
 239 	    icolor = (int) ( 127.0*(1.0+0.9*sin(gphase+ap[ix][iy] ) ) ) ;
 240             gdImageFilledEllipse(im, ox, oy, cir, cir, gcolor[icolor] );
 241       }  }
 243 // output the frame ------------------------------------------------------
 245       sprintf( framename, PNGFMT , frame );
 246       pngout = fopen( framename, "wb");
 247       gdImagePngEx( im, pngout, 1 );
 248       gdImageDestroy(im);
 249       fclose(pngout);
 251    }  // end of single frame
 253    system( PNG2SWF );
 254 }

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