Attachment 'pc02.c'
Download 1 // population coverage
2 // overlay population versus latitude with coverage graph
3 // assume round earth and circular orbit
4 //
5 // gcc -o pc02 pc02.c -lgd -lpng -lm
7 #define INFILE "population1K.png"
8 #define OFILE "popcoverage1K.png"
10 #define ELEV 5.0 // elevation above horizon, degrees
11 #define RE 6371.0 // earth average radius, kilometers
12 #define R288 12789.0 // orbit radius
14 #define PI 3.1415926535897932
15 #define RAD (PI/180.00)
16 #define FNT "DejaVuMonoSans"
17 #define FS0 30 // title
18 #define FS1 22
19 #define FS2 16 // smaller
21 // MAJOR KLUDGE WARNING! These plot corners depend on original drawing
22 #define X0 4
23 #define X1 1010
24 #define X2 1023
25 #define Y0 62
26 #define Y1 565
27 #define Y2 622
28 #define XS0 (X0)
29 #define XSCAL 350
31 #include <gd.h>
32 #include <math.h>
33 #include <string.h>
34 #include <stdio.h>
35 #include <stdlib.h>
37 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
38 int main() {
40 FILE *datfile ; //
41 char gnuplot[200] ; //
42 char filename[80] ; //
44 gdImagePtr im ; // working image
46 FILE *pngin; ; // output file
47 FILE *pngout; ; // output file
48 int black, white, blue, purp ; // colors
49 int ix, iy ; // daytime point
50 int ixo, iyo ; // old daytime point
51 int mx ; // midnight point
52 int mxo ; // old midnight point
53 double elev0 = acos( RE/R288 ) ; //
54 double elev = elev0 - RAD*ELEV ; //
55 double celev = cos( elev ) ; //
56 double midloss = asin( RE/R288 ) ; //
58 double yscale = PI/(Y1-Y0) ; //
59 double ymid = 0.5*(Y1+Y0) ; // middle of graph
61 printf( "%9.4f=midloss", midloss/RAD );
62 printf( "%9.4f=elev0 %9.4f=elev %9.6f=celev\n", elev0/RAD, elev/RAD, celev );
64 int y0 = (int) ( ymid - elev/yscale );
65 int y1 = (int) ( ymid + 1 + elev/yscale );
67 pngin = fopen( INFILE, "rb" );
68 im = gdImageCreateFromPng(pngin);
69 fclose( pngin );
70 black = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 0, 0, 0);
71 white = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 255, 255, 255);
72 blue = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 0, 0, 255);
73 purp = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 151, 0, 152);
75 iyo = y0 ;
76 ixo = XS0 ;
77 mxo = XS0 ;
79 gdImageSetThickness( im, 3 );
81 for( iy = y0+1 ; iy <=y1 ; iy++ ) {
82 double y = (double) iy ;
83 double latitude = yscale*( ymid - iy ); // latitude in radians
84 double clat = cos( latitude );
85 double coverage = 0.0 ;
86 if( clat > celev ) { coverage = acos( celev / clat ) ; }
87 ix = XS0 + (int) ( XSCAL * coverage );
88 gdImageLine(im, ix, iy, ixo, iyo, blue );
90 mx = XS0 ;
91 if( coverage > midloss ) {
92 mx = XS0 + (int) ( XSCAL * (coverage-midloss) );
93 }
94 gdImageLine(im, mx, iy, mxo, iyo, black );
96 ixo = ix ; iyo = iy ; mxo = mx ;
97 }
99 gdImageFilledRectangle( im, 0, 0, X2, Y0-2, white );
100 gdImageFilledRectangle( im, 0, Y1+2, X2, Y2, white );
102 gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, // imagespace, bounding box
103 black, FNT, FS0, 0.0, // color, font, fontsize, angle
104 X0+40, Y0-15, // x, y,
105 "Population and Coverage by Latitude" ); // text
107 gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, // imagespace, bounding box
108 purp, FNT, FS1, 0.0, // color, font, fontsize, angle
109 X0+XSCAL, Y1-140, // x, y,
110 "population by latitude" ); // text
112 gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, // imagespace, bounding box
113 blue, FNT, FS1, 0.0, // color, font, fontsize, angle
114 X0+XSCAL, Y1-100, // x, y,
115 "6am-6pm coverage by latitude" ); // text
117 gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, // imagespace, bounding box
118 black, FNT, FS2, 0.0, // color, font, fontsize, angle
119 X0+XSCAL, Y1-70, // x, y,
120 "linearly decreasing to" ); // text
122 gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, // imagespace, bounding box
123 black, FNT, FS1, 0.0, // color, font, fontsize, angle
124 X0+XSCAL, Y1-40, // x, y,
125 "midnight coverage by latitude" ); // text
127 gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, // imagespace, bounding box
128 black, FNT, FS2, 0.0, // color, font, fontsize, angle
129 X0+20, Y1+23, // x, y,
130 "assume: 5% elevation above horizon, circular orbit, M288=12789km radius" ); // text
131 gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, // imagespace, bounding box
133 black, FNT, FS2, 0.0, // color, font, fontsize, angle
134 X0+20, Y1+51, // x, y,
135 "y2K population graph from" ); // text
137 pngout = fopen( OFILE, "wb");
138 gdImagePngEx( im, pngout, 1 );
139 gdImageDestroy(im);
140 fclose(pngout);
142 return(0);
143 }
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