Attachment 'ss6a.c'


   1 // ss6a.c
   2 // compile:  gcc -o ss6a ss6a.c -lgd -lpng -lm
   3 //
   4 //  The perspective sucks
   5 //  The light pressure of tilted thrusters is treated here as constant. 
   6 //  The actual light pressure is proportional to cos^2( sun angle )
   7 //  This assumes a 4:3 ratio, with gauges down the right side
   9 #define  NAME  "ss6a"
  10 #define  RATE   10  
  12 #define FNT    "DejaVuMonoSans"
  13 #define SCALE   0.7              // size of serversat relative to YSIZE
  15 #define FSZ     26               // this scales the font and the whole drawing
  17 #define Z0      24.0             // depth scaling for cheesy perspective
  18 #define ACC      8.0             // acceleration in degrees/minute^2
  19 #define TSTART -60.0             //
  20 #define TIME1  150.0             // acceleration time in seconds
  21 #define TIME2  (2.0*TIME1)       // deceleration time
  22 #define TEND   360.0             //
  23 #define TDELTA   2.0             // display timestep
  24 #define NSTARS 500               // background stars (this shows transparency)
  25 #define MOVE   0.3               // how much the background stars move
  26 #define THICK    5               // dummy thickness in pixels
  27 #define FILTER 0.3               //
  29 #define LINETHICK 1
  30 #define XSIZE   1024
  31 #define YSIZE   768
  32 #define RIGHT   (YSIZE-20)
  33 #define MINUTE  60.0
  34 #define HOUR    3600.0
  35 #define MINUTES (TIME1/MINUTE)
  37 #include "gd.h"
  38 #include <math.h>
  39 #include <string.h>
  40 #include <stdlib.h>
  41 #include <sys/stat.h>
  42 #include <sys/types.h>
  45 #define PI 3.14159265359
  46 #define DEG2RAD(x) ((x)*PI/180.)
  48 // #define WIRING 1              // show solar cell wires
  50 // ----------------------------------------------------
  51 char     rmmkdir[200] ;
  52 char     pngfmt[ 200] ;
  53 char     png2swf[200] ;
  55 gdImagePtr im;
  56 int      black, white, gray   ;
  57 int      lred, lgreen         ;
  58 int      dgray, trans         ;
  59 int      xgauge=(XSIZE+YSIZE)/2 ;// down the right edge
  60 double   scale                ; // scale serversat in pixels
  62 int      spdcolor             ;
  63 int      yellow[256]          ; // Yellow color range
  64 // starting values
  65 int      rate      = RATE     ;
  67 double   ang  = 0.0           ; //  angle in radians
  68 double   angc                 ; //  cos(ang)
  69 double   angs                 ; //  sin(ang)
  70 double   angt                 ; //  tan(ang)
  72 //          | bottom |  front |   top  |  back  |
  73 // an2    -135      -45      +45     +135     -135
  74 // an2a          -        +        +        -
  75 // an2b          +        +        -        -
  77 double   an2                  ; //  double ang
  78 double   pi4                  ; //  
  79 double   pi                   ; //  
  80 double   an2c                 ; //  cos(an2)
  81 double   an2s                 ; //  sin(an2)
  82 double   an2a                 ; //  an2 test a
  83 double   an2b                 ; //  an2 test b
  85 double   time      = 0.0      ;
  86 double   angle_vel = 0.0      ;
  87 double   angle_acc = 0.0      ;
  88 double   angle     = 0.0      ;
  90 double   min_vel   = 0.0      ;
  91 double   max_vel   = ACC*TIME1/MINUTE ;
  92 double   angle_min = 0.0      ;
  93 double   angle_max = ACC*TIME1*TIME1/(MINUTE*MINUTE);
  94 double   min_acc   = -ACC     ;
  95 double   max_acc   = ACC      ;
  97 double   thick     = THICK ;
  99 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
 100 // fixed rectangle subroutines, swap order if needed 
 101 //  gdImageRectangle silently fails unless it gets left, bottom, right, top
 103 void RectE( gdImagePtr imm,
 104             double rx1, double ry1, double rx2, double ry2, int rcolor ) {
 105    if( rx1 < rx2 ) {
 106       if( ry1 < ry2 ) {
 107          gdImageRectangle( imm, rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2, rcolor );
 108       } else {
 109          gdImageRectangle( imm, rx1, ry2, rx2, ry1, rcolor );
 110       }
 111    } else {
 112       if( ry1 < ry2 ) {
 113          gdImageRectangle( imm, rx2, ry1, rx1, ry2, rcolor );
 114       } else {
 115          gdImageRectangle( imm, rx2, ry2, rx1, ry1, rcolor );
 116       }
 117    }
 118 }
 121 void RectF( gdImagePtr imm,
 122             double rx1, double ry1, double rx2, double ry2, int rcolor ) {
 123    if( rx1 < rx2 ) {
 124       if( ry1 < ry2 ) {
 125          gdImageFilledRectangle( imm, rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2, rcolor );
 126       } else {
 127          gdImageFilledRectangle( imm, rx1, ry2, rx2, ry1, rcolor );
 128       }
 129    } else {
 130       if( ry1 < ry2 ) {
 131          gdImageFilledRectangle( imm, rx2, ry1, rx1, ry2, rcolor );
 132       } else {
 133          gdImageFilledRectangle( imm, rx2, ry2, rx1, ry1, rcolor );
 134       }
 135    }
 136 }
 138 // draw gauges ---------------------------------
 139 // uses globals
 141 #define  YCLOCK   (4*FSZ)
 142 #define  YACC     (10*FSZ)
 143 #define  YVEL     (16*FSZ)
 144 #define  YANG     (22*FSZ)
 145 #define  F2       (4*FSZ/5)
 146 #define  F4       (FSZ/4)
 148 #define  RCLOCK    (3*FSZ+8)
 149 #define  SECHAND   (3*FSZ)
 150 #define  MINHAND1  (2*FSZ)
 151 #define  MINHAND2  (2*FSZ+5)
 152 #define  MINWID    40
 154 int      gleft  = YSIZE + 2*FSZ ;
 155 int      gright = XSIZE - 2*FSZ ;
 158 int  gscale( double gvar, double gmin, double gmax ) {
 159     return ( (int) ( gleft + (gvar-gmin)
 160                            * ( (double)(gright-gleft))/(gmax-gmin) ) ) ;
 161 }
 163 void drawgauges()  {
 165    double wangle ;   // working angle
 166    int    cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2 ;
 167    char   s[80];
 168    int    ic ;
 169    double ltime = time ;
 170    if( ltime < 0.0   ) { ltime = 0.0   ; }
 171    if( ltime > TIME2 ) { ltime = TIME2 ; }
 173    // clock at xgauge, 100 -----------------------------
 175    gdImageArc(  im, xgauge, YCLOCK, 2*RCLOCK, 2*RCLOCK, 0, 360, white );
 177    // clock / 60
 178    for( ic = 0;  ic < 60 ; ic += 1 ) {
 179       wangle  = PI * ic / 30 ;
 180       if ( ic%15 == 0 ) {
 181          cx1     = xgauge + (int)(0.5 + (RCLOCK-6)*sin(wangle)) ;
 182          cy1     = YCLOCK - (int)(0.5 + (RCLOCK-6)*cos(wangle)) ;
 183       }
 184       else if( ic%5 == 0 ) {
 185          cx1     = xgauge + (int)(0.5 + (RCLOCK-4)*sin(wangle)) ;
 186          cy1     = YCLOCK - (int)(0.5 + (RCLOCK-4)*cos(wangle)) ;
 187       }
 188       else {
 189          cx1     = xgauge + (int)(0.5 + (RCLOCK-2)*sin(wangle)) ;
 190          cy1     = YCLOCK - (int)(0.5 + (RCLOCK-2)*cos(wangle)) ;
 191       }
 192       cx2     = xgauge +  (int)(0.5 + RCLOCK   *sin(wangle) ) ;
 193       cy2     = YCLOCK -  (int)(0.5 + RCLOCK   *cos(wangle) ) ;
 194       gdImageLine( im, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, white ) ;
 195    }
 197    // second hand
 198    wangle  = 2.0 * PI * ltime / MINUTE ;
 199    cx1     = xgauge+(int)(0.5 + SECHAND*sin(wangle) ) ;
 200    cy1     = YCLOCK-(int)(0.5 + SECHAND*cos(wangle) ) ;
 201    gdImageLine( im, xgauge, YCLOCK, cx1, cy1, white ) ;
 204    // minute hand (two strokes )
 205    wangle  = 2.0 * PI * (ltime + MINWID) / HOUR ;
 206    cx1     = xgauge+(int)(0.5 + MINHAND1*sin(wangle) ) ;
 207    cy1     = YCLOCK-(int)(0.5 + MINHAND1*cos(wangle) ) ;
 209    wangle  = 2.0 * PI * (ltime         ) / HOUR ;
 210    cx2     = xgauge+(int)(0.5 + MINHAND2*sin(wangle) ) ;
 211    cy2     = YCLOCK-(int)(0.5 + MINHAND2*cos(wangle) ) ;
 212    gdImageLine( im, xgauge, YCLOCK, cx1, cy1, white ) ;
 213    gdImageLine( im,    cx2,    cy2, cx1, cy1, white );
 215    wangle  = 2.0 * PI * (ltime - MINWID) / HOUR ;
 216    cx1     = xgauge+(int)(0.5 + MINHAND1*sin(wangle) ) ;
 217    cy1     = YCLOCK-(int)(0.5 + MINHAND1*cos(wangle) ) ;
 218    gdImageLine( im,    cx2,    cy2, cx1, cy1, white );
 219    gdImageLine( im, xgauge, YCLOCK, cx1, cy1, white ) ;
 221    // text clock
 223    sprintf( s, "%3.0f secs", ltime );
 224    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, FSZ, 0.0, xgauge-2*FSZ, 9*FSZ, s );
 226    // angular acceleration gauge ----------------
 228    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, FSZ, 0.0,
 229                               YSIZE, YACC+2*FSZ-F4, "acceleration" );
 230    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, F2, 0.0,
 231                               YSIZE, YACC+5*FSZ, "degrees/min^2" );
 234    sprintf( s, "%2.0f", min_acc );
 235    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, FSZ, 0.0, YSIZE,  YACC+4*FSZ, s );
 237    sprintf( s, "%2.0f", max_acc );
 238    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, FSZ, 0.0, gright+F4, YACC+4*FSZ, s );
 240    cx1 =  gscale( angle_acc, min_acc, max_acc ) ;
 241    cx2 =  gscale(         0, min_acc, max_acc ) ;
 242    RectE( im, gleft, YACC+2*FSZ, gright, YACC+4*FSZ, white );
 243    RectF( im,   cx1, YACC+2*FSZ,    cx2, YACC+4*FSZ, white );
 245    // angular velocity gauge ---------------------
 247    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, FSZ, 0.0,
 248                               YSIZE, YVEL+2*FSZ-F4, "velocity" );
 249    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, F2, 0.0,
 250                               YSIZE, YVEL+5*FSZ, "degrees/min" );
 252    sprintf( s, "%2.0f", min_vel );
 253    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, FSZ, 0.0, YSIZE,  YVEL+4*FSZ, s );
 255    sprintf( s, "%2.0f", max_vel );
 256    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, FSZ, 0.0, gright+F4, YVEL+4*FSZ, s );
 258    cx1 =  gscale( angle_vel, min_vel, max_vel ) ;
 259    cx2 =  gscale(         0, min_vel, max_vel ) ;
 260    RectE( im, gleft, YVEL+2*FSZ, gright, YVEL+4*FSZ, white );
 261    RectF( im,   cx1, YVEL+2*FSZ,    cx2, YVEL+4*FSZ, white );
 263    //  angle gauge -------------------------------
 265    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, FSZ, 0.0,
 266                               YSIZE, YANG+2*FSZ-F4, "angle" );
 267    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, F2, 0.0,
 268                               YSIZE, YANG+5*FSZ, "degrees" );
 270    sprintf( s, "%2.0f", angle_min );
 271    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, FSZ, 0.0, YSIZE,  YANG+4*FSZ, s );
 273    sprintf( s, "%2.0f", angle_max );
 274    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, FSZ, 0.0, gright+F4, YANG+4*FSZ, s );
 276    cx1 =  gscale(     angle, angle_min, angle_max ) ;
 277    cx2 =  gscale(         0, angle_min, angle_max ) ;
 278    RectE( im, gleft, YANG+2*FSZ, gright, YANG+4*FSZ, white );
 279    RectF( im,   cx1, YANG+2*FSZ,    cx2, YANG+4*FSZ, white );
 280 }
 284 //----------------------------------------
 285 // this draws dots on the upper left edge, useful for scaling sizes in
 286 // openoffice
 287 void lineofdots() {
 288     int ctr;
 289     for( ctr=0; ctr < XSIZE; ctr +=4 ) {
 290        gdImageSetPixel( im, ctr, 0, gray );
 291        gdImageSetPixel( im, ctr, 1, gray );
 292        gdImageSetPixel( im, 0, ctr, gray );
 293        gdImageSetPixel( im, 1, ctr, gray );
 294     }
 295 }
 298 // SERVERSAT drawing tools
 299 //----------------------------------------
 300 // serversat globals
 302 int       thx, thy ;
 303 int       x,  y                        ;
 304 gdPoint   rbox[4]                      ;
 305 int       light[RIGHT][YSIZE]          ; 
 306 double    xcent, ycent                 ;
 307 int       ly[10]                       ; // levels
 308 int       back[10]                     ; // backside light level
 310 //----------------------------------------
 311 int  y2x( int yy ) {
 312    return (int)( xcent-angt*(((double)yy)-ycent) ) ;
 313 }
 315 //----------------------------------------
 316 int  f2y( double yy ) {
 317    return (int)(ycent-angc*yy*scale) ;
 318 }
 320 //---------------------------------------
 321 void chunk( int ya, int yb, int color ) {
 322    if( ya != yb ) {
 323       int xa    = y2x(ya)  ;
 324       int xb    = y2x(yb)  ;
 326       rbox[0].x = xa - thx ;
 327       rbox[0].y = ya - thy ;
 328       rbox[1].x = xa + thx ;
 329       rbox[1].y = ya + thy ;
 330       rbox[2].x = xb + thx ;
 331       rbox[2].y = yb + thy ;
 332       rbox[3].x = xb - thx ;
 333       rbox[3].y = yb - thy ;
 334       gdImageFilledPolygon( im, rbox, 4, color ) ;
 335 }  }
 337 //---------------------------------------
 338 //
 339 gdPoint arotate( double rang, int xr, int yr, double rx, double ry ) {
 340    gdPoint ret;
 341    ret.x = xr + (int)( rx*cos(rang) - ry*sin(rang) ) ;
 342    ret.y = yr + (int)( ry*cos(rang) + rx*sin(rang) ) ;
 344    return ret ;
 345 }
 347 //---------------------------------------
 348 //     x               y          angle        size
 350 void arrow ( int acolor, int xa, int ya, double  aang, double asize ) {
 351    gdPoint  apoly[7] ;
 352    if( asize > thick ) {   //  point away
 353       apoly[0]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 3.0*thick + asize,  0.0       );
 354       apoly[1]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 2.0*thick + asize, -1.0*thick );
 355       apoly[2]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 2.0*thick + asize, -0.5*thick );
 356       apoly[3]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 2.0*thick        , -0.5*thick );
 357       apoly[4]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 2.0*thick        ,  0.5*thick );
 358       apoly[5]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 2.0*thick + asize,  0.5*thick );
 359       apoly[6]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 2.0*thick + asize,  1.0*thick );
 360       gdImageFilledPolygon( im, apoly, 7, acolor );
 361    }
 362    else if( asize < -thick ) {   //  point towards
 363       apoly[0]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 2.0*thick        ,  0.0       );
 364       apoly[1]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 3.0*thick        , -1.0*thick );
 365       apoly[2]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 3.0*thick        , -0.5*thick );
 366       apoly[3]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 3.0*thick - asize, -0.5*thick );
 367       apoly[4]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 3.0*thick - asize,  0.5*thick );
 368       apoly[5]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 3.0*thick        ,  0.5*thick );
 369       apoly[6]=arotate( aang, xa, ya, 3.0*thick        ,  1.0*thick );
 370       gdImageFilledPolygon( im, apoly, 7, acolor );
 371    }
 372 }
 374 //----------------------------------------
 375 //  scale is Y/2
 376 //  drawn in RIGHT*YSIZE panel
 378 void drawserversat( double t1, double t2 ) {
 380    int     cline   = black               ; // line color
 382    scale     = 0.5*SCALE*((double)YSIZE) ; // distance from center to top
 383    ycent     = 0.55*((double)YSIZE)      ;
 384    xcent     = 0.5*((double)RIGHT)       ;
 386    int     xline                         ; // serversat centerline x val
 387    int     i                             ;
 388    int     yellow[256]                   ;
 389    int     xx1, xx2                      ;
 390    int     yy1, yy2                      ;
 391    int     yyt, yyb                      ;
 392    int     xxl, xxr                      ;
 393    int     xxa                           ;
 394    int     xy                            ;
 396    // fill color array  -------
 398    yellow[0] = gdImageColorAllocate( im,  0,     0,   0 );
 399    yellow[1] = gdImageColorAllocate( im,  224, 192,   0 );
 400    yellow[2] = gdImageColorAllocate( im,  255, 224,   0 );
 401    yellow[3] = gdImageColorAllocate( im,  255, 255, 127 );
 402    yellow[4] = gdImageColorAllocate( im,  255, 255, 192 );
 404    // establish l levels ---------------------------
 405                                            // The below are "pixel" lines
 406    ly[0]=0                               ; // top of drawing
 407    back[0]=1 ;
 408    ly[1]=f2y(  1.0                    )  ; // top of top thruster
 409    back[1]=1 ;
 410    ly[2]=f2y(  0.75 +0.25*t2          )  ; // top of top thruster reflective
 411    back[2]=0 ;
 412    ly[3]=f2y(  0.75 -0.25*t2          )  ; // bot of top thruster reflective
 413    back[3]=1 ;
 414    ly[4]=f2y(  0.5                    )  ; // top of solar cell
 415    back[4]=0 ;
 416    ly[5]=f2y( -0.5                    )  ; // bot of solar cell
 417    back[5]=1 ;
 418    ly[6]=f2y( -0.75 +0.25*t1          )  ; // top of bot thruster reflective
 419    back[6]=0 ;
 420    ly[7]=f2y( -0.75 -0.25*t1          )  ; // bot of bot thruster reflective
 421    back[7]=1 ;
 422    ly[8]=f2y( -1.0                    )  ; // bot of bot thruster
 423    back[8]=1 ;
 424    ly[9]=YSIZE                           ; // bottom of drawing
 425    back[9]=1 ;
 427 // printf( "%3.0f%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d\n",
 428 //          angle, thx, thy, ly[1],ly[2],ly[3],ly[4],ly[5],ly[6],ly[7],ly[8] );
 430    // draw light      ------------------------------
 432    // work down through the levels
 433    for( i = 0; i < 9 ; i++ ) { 
 434       yy1 = ly[ i   ] ;
 435       yy2 = ly[ i+1 ] ;
 437       if( yy2 > yy1 ) {
 438          if(  back[ i ] == 1 ) {
 439             for( y=yy1 ; y<yy2 ; y++ ) {
 440                for( x=0 ; x<RIGHT ; x++ ) {
 441                   light[x][y] = 1 ;
 442          }  }  }
 443          else {
 444             for( y=yy1 ; y<yy2 ; y++ ) {
 445                xy = y2x( y ) ;
 446                if( 0 < xy ) { 
 447                   for( x=0 ; x < xy ; x++ ) {
 448                      light[x][y] = 1 ;
 449                }  }
 450                if( xy < RIGHT ) { 
 451                   for( x=xy ; x < RIGHT ; x++ ) {
 452                      light[x][y] = 0    ;
 453                }  }
 454    }  }  }  }
 456    // add off axis reflections ---------------------
 458    for( i = 2 ; i < 9 ; i += 4 ) {   // 2 and 6, cheesy
 459       if( ly[i] != ly[i+1] ) {       // if beamwidth greater than 0
 461          yy1 = ly[i]    ;
 462          yy2 = ly[i+1]  ;
 463          xx1 = y2x(yy1) ;
 464          xx2 = y2x(yy2) ;
 466          //          | bottom |  front |   top  |  back  |
 467          // an2    -135      -45      +45     +135     -135
 468          // an2a          -        +        +        -
 469          // an2b          +        +        -        -
 471          if( an2a > 0.0 ) {          // front or top
 472             if( an2b > 0.0 ) {  
 474             // front -----------------------------------
 475                if( xx1 > xx2 ) {     // front above
 476                   xxa = xx1 ;
 477                } else {              // front below
 478                   xxa = xx2 ;
 479                }
 481                for( x=0 ; x < xxa ; x++ ) {
 482                   yyt = yy1 - (int)( (an2s/an2c)*(xx1-x) ) ;
 483                   if( yyt < 0 ) { yyt = 0 ; }
 484                   yyb = yy2 - (int)( (an2s/an2c)*(xx2-x) ) ;
 485                   if( yyb > YSIZE-1 ) { yyb = YSIZE-1 ; }
 486                   if( ( yyb > 0 ) && ( yyt < YSIZE-1) ) { 
 487                      for( y=yyt ; y <= yyb ; y++ ) {
 488                         if( x < y2x( y ) ) {
 489                            light[x][y]++ ;
 490             }  }  }  }  }  // end of front
 492             else {                   
 494             // top   -----------------------------------
 495                for( y=0 ; y < yy2 ; y++ ) {         // yy2 is always back
 496                   xxl = xx2 - (int)( (an2c/an2s)*(yy2-y) ) ;
 497                   if( xxl < 0 ) { xxl = 0 ; }
 498                   xxr = xx1 - (int)( (an2c/an2s)*(yy1-y) ) ;
 499                   if( xxr > RIGHT ) { xxr = RIGHT ; }
 500                   if( (xxr>=0) && (xxl<=RIGHT) )  { 
 501                      for( x=xxl; x <= xxr ; x++ ) {
 502                         if( x < y2x( y ) ) {
 503                            light[x][y]++ ;
 504          }  }  }  }  }  }  // end of top
 506          else {                      // back or bottom
 507             if( an2b > 0.0 ) {       // bottom
 509             // top   -----------------------------------
 510                for( y=yy1 ; y < YSIZE ; y++ ) {     // yy1 is always back
 511                   xxl = xx1 - (int)( (an2c/an2s)*(yy1-y) ) ;
 512                   if( xxl < 0 ) { xxl = 0 ; }
 513                   xxr = xx2 - (int)( (an2c/an2s)*(yy2-y) ) ;
 514                   if( xxr > RIGHT ) { xxr = RIGHT ; }
 515                   if( (xxr>=0) && (xxl<=RIGHT) )  { 
 516                      for( x=xxl; x <= xxr ; x++ ) {
 517                         if( x < y2x( y ) ) {
 518                            light[x][y]++ ;
 519             }  }  }  }  }  // end of bottom
 521             else {                   // back
 522                // MORE LATER BACK
 523    }  }  }  }
 525    // add front light -----------------------------
 526    for( x=0 ; x<10 ; x++ ) {
 527       for( y=0 ; y<YSIZE ; y++ ) {
 528          light[x][y] += 2 ;
 529    }  }
 531    // emit light -----------------------------------
 532    for( x=0 ; x<RIGHT ; x++ ) {
 533       for( y=0 ; y<YSIZE ; y++ ) {
 534          gdImageSetPixel( im, x, y, yellow[light[x][y]] ) ;
 535    }  }
 537    // draw serversat chunks ------------------------------
 539    thick = THICK ;
 540    thx=(int)(0.5*thick*angc)      ;
 541    thy=(int)(0.5*thick*angs)      ;
 543    chunk( ly[2], ly[3], white )   ; // draw upper reflector middle
 544    chunk( ly[4], ly[5], dgray )   ; // draw solar cell
 545    chunk( ly[6], ly[7], white )   ; // draw lower reflector middle
 547    // draw serversat lines -------------------------------
 549    rbox[0].x = y2x(ly[1])-thx ;
 550    rbox[0].y = ly[1]     -thy ;
 551    rbox[1].x = y2x(ly[1])+thx ;
 552    rbox[1].y = ly[1]     +thy ;
 553    rbox[2].x = y2x(ly[8])+thx ;
 554    rbox[2].y = ly[8]     +thy ;
 555    rbox[3].x = y2x(ly[8])-thx ;
 556    rbox[3].y = ly[8]     -thy ;
 557    gdImagePolygon( im, rbox, 4, cline );
 559    // draw light and force arrows
 560    //     x               y          angle        size
 561    arrow( white, y2x(f2y( 0.73)), f2y( 0.73),  pi,         -0.3*scale*t2 ) ; 
 562    arrow( white, y2x(f2y( 0.77)), f2y( 0.77),  pi+an2,      0.3*scale*t2 ) ;
 563    arrow( white, y2x(f2y( 0.75)), f2y( 0.75),  ang,    0.6*angc*scale*t2 ) ;
 565    arrow( white, y2x(f2y(-0.77)), f2y(-0.77),  pi,         -0.3*scale*t1 ) ; 
 566    arrow( white, y2x(f2y(-0.73)), f2y(-0.73),  pi+an2,      0.3*scale*t1 ) ;
 567    arrow( white, y2x(f2y(-0.75)), f2y(-0.75),  ang,    0.6*angc*scale*t1 ) ;
 569 /*
 570    // draw fixed pivot arrow
 572    thick = 2*FSZ ;
 573    yy1 = f2y(0.0) ;
 574    xx1 = y2x(yy1) - (int)( 2.0*thick ) ;
 575    arrow( dgray,  xx1, yy1,  0,   -8.0*FSZ ) ;
 576    yy1 += (int)( 0.5* FSZ );
 577    xx1  = y2x(yy1) + (int)( 0.5*thick )  ;
 578    gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, white, FNT, FSZ, 0.0, xx1, yy1, "fixed pivot" );
 579    thick = THICK ;
 580 */
 582 }
 584 //=====================================================================
 586 int main () {
 587    FILE   *pngout;
 588    char   comment[80]     ;
 589    char   dirname[80]     ;
 590    char   framename[80]   ;
 591    double timem           ;            // time in minutes
 592    double t1p, t2p        ;
 593    double t1, t2          ;            // thrust value for each cell
 594    int    frame           ;            // frame count
 595    int    npics           ;            // last frame count
 596    int    i               ; 
 598    npics  = (10*(TEND-TSTART)+1)/(10*TDELTA) ;  // a bit extra for rounding err
 599    pi4    = atan(1.0)          ; // pi/4 , 45 degrees
 600    pi     = 4.0*pi4            ; // pi
 602    // makestars();
 604    sprintf( rmmkdir, "rm -rf %sdir ; mkdir %sdir", NAME, NAME );
 606    // make directory
 607    system( rmmkdir );
 609    for(  frame = 0 ; frame <= npics ; frame++ ) {
 611       printf( "%04d/%04d\r", frame, npics );
 612       fflush( stdout );
 614       im    = gdImageCreateTrueColor(XSIZE, YSIZE);
 615       white = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 255, 255, 255);
 616       black = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   0,   0,   0);
 617       gray  = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 127, 127, 127);
 618       dgray = gdImageColorAllocate (im,  64,  64,  64);
 619       lred  = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 255, 208, 208);
 620       lgreen =gdImageColorAllocate (im, 208, 255, 208);
 621       trans = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   1,   1,   1);
 623       thick = THICK ;
 625       time = TDELTA*( (double) frame ) + TSTART ;
 626       sprintf( framename, "%sdir/a%04d.png", NAME , frame );
 627       pngout = fopen ( framename , "wb");
 629       //  start out stopped, display for a while
 630       if(   time <=   0.0 ) {
 631         angle_acc =  0.0 ;
 632         angle_vel =  0.0 ;
 633         angle     =  0.0 ;
 634         t1p       =  0.5 ;
 635         t2p       =  0.5 ;
 636         t1        =  0.5 ;
 637         t2        =  0.5 ;
 638         spdcolor  =  white ;
 639         strcpy( comment, "stopped" );
 640       }
 642       //  accelerate between   0 seconds and TIME1 seconds 
 643       else if( time < 1.0*TIME1 ) {
 644         timem     = time/ MINUTE ;
 645         angle_acc =  ACC ;
 646         angle_vel =  ACC * timem ;
 647         angle     =  ACC * 0.5 * timem * timem ;
 648         t1p       =  0.05 ;
 649         t2p       =  0.95 ;
 650         spdcolor  =  lgreen ;
 651         strcpy( comment, "speed up" );
 652       }
 654       //  decelerate between TIME1 seconds and 2*TIME1 seconds 
 655       else if( time < 2.0*TIME1 ) {
 656          timem     = (2.0*TIME1-time)/ MINUTE ;
 657          angle_acc = -ACC ;
 658          angle_vel =  ACC * timem ;
 659          angle     =  angle_max - (0.5*ACC*timem*timem );
 660          t1p       =  0.95 ;
 661          t2p       =  0.05 ;
 662          spdcolor  =  lred ;
 663          strcpy( comment, "slow down" );
 664       }
 665       //  end up stopped, display for a while
 666       else {
 667          angle_acc = 0.0 ;
 668          angle_vel = 0.0 ;
 669          angle     =  angle_max;
 670          t1p       =  0.5 ;
 671          t2p       =  0.5 ;
 672          spdcolor  =  white ;
 673          strcpy( comment, "stopped" );
 674       }
 676       t1 += FILTER*(t1p-t1 );
 677       t2 += FILTER*(t2p-t2 );
 679       ang    = DEG2RAD(  angle )  ; //
 680       angc   = cos(ang)           ; //
 681       angs   = sin(ang)           ; //
 682       angt   = tan(ang)           ; //
 683       an2    = 2.0*ang            ; // double angle for reflection
 685       //          | bottom |  front |   top  |  back  |
 686       // an2    -135      -45      +45     +135     -135
 687       // an2a          -        +        +        -
 688       // an2b          +        +        -        -
 690       an2c   = cos(an2)           ; // 
 691       an2s   = sin(an2)           ; //
 692       an2a   = cos(an2-pi4)       ; // +if  -45 < a2 < 135
 693       an2b   = cos(an2+pi4)       ; // +if -135 < a2 <  45
 695       // draw serversat -----------------------------------------------
 697       drawserversat( t1, t2 );
 699       // draw panel and other things ---------------------------------
 701       lineofdots();                  // calibration strips
 702       drawgauges();                  // draw gauges
 704       // status text -------------------------------------------------
 706       /*
 707       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL, spdcolor,FNT, 2*FSZ, 0.0,
 708                            FSZ, (int)(2.5*FSZ), comment );
 709       */
 711       // output frame to directory in PNG format
 713       gdImagePngEx( im, pngout, 1 );
 714       gdImageDestroy (im);
 715       fclose (pngout);
 716    }
 718    sprintf( png2swf, "png2swf -o %s.swf -r%3d %sdir/*.png", NAME, rate, NAME );
 719    system(  png2swf );
 720 }

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