= Data and Goliath = === Bruce Schneier 2015 === ----- A fact-strewn mind dump by Schneier, describing the problem and suggesting political principles and action. I'm not political or persuasive. I am inventive and clever. I read books like this hoping for clues for the design of spying-resistant architectures, protocols, and software. The facts are useful for that, I will encourage but not actively pursue the politics, though I encourage less-geeky/more-political fellow citizens to do so. === Factoids === p18: 2015 76 exabyte/year - Cisco p18: storing every US phone call reqiures 300 petabytes, ($30M) per year. Brewster Kahle 2013 [[https://blog.archive.org/2013/06/15/cost-to-store-all-us-phonecalls-made-in-a-year-in-cloud-storage-so-it-could-be-datamined/ | Cost to store all US phonecalls made in a year so it could be datamined ]] p18: Lifelogging US population 2 exabytes ($200M) per year. NSA Bluffdale Utah $1.4B 12 exabytes, third largest. p18: [[https://what-if.xkcd.com/63/ | Xkcd:{!?) Google 15 exabytes ]] 8 exabytes built 2013 p19: Facebook saves everything, Max Schrems Austrian Law Student p21: Phone metadata very revealing p26: License plate scanners for repo, Vigilant Solutions Livermore CA, 2.5 billion records, 70M scans/month p29: Ford surveillance in every car, 2014 p33: Target baby coupons p37: 117,675 active surveillance targets one day in 2013. 2014 Obama authorized NSA two hop surveillance on phone metadata p39: Datafencing - who's near a business to deliver an ad p44: 87% of US can be uniquely identified with ZIP, gender, and D.O.B. p46: BrightestFlashlightFree for Android - collects location information and sells to advertizers p48: Dictionary.com 200 tracking cookies - there are browser plugins that monitor cookies (Mozilla's Lightbeam Firefox tool) p65: Reagan 1981 Executive Order 12333 / USA PATRIOT 2001, Section 215 / Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 2008 Section 702 p69: UK GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters p70: China/Microsoft TOM-Skype p70: India gets decrypts of individual blackberry p85: [[ http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/photos-of-an-nsa-upgrade-factory-show-cisco-router-getting-implant/ | NSA TAO Targeted Access Operation Modifies CISCO servers ]] p91: Government surveilance $72B per year p94: [[ Drone strikes http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2014/3/drones-big-data-waronterrorobama.html | Drone strikes ]] p94: China Golden Shield p113: Google is paid to insert URLs into search results, not just advertising p129: Algorithmic surveillance "not surveillance until a human being looks at the data", and "dog analogy"