Attachment 'ecl02.c'
Download 1 // eclipse period versus time of year
2 // cc ecl02.c -lm -o ecl02
3 //
4 // This plots the eclipse time in second versus time of year
5 // The time of year is expressed in degrees, not days or months,
6 // which is a little odd but much easier to visualize
8 #define NAME "ecl02"
9 #define OFILE "ecl02.txt"
11 #define YSTEP 1.0 // degrees
12 #define YEAR 360.000 //
13 #define M288 12788866.0 // m288 orbit radius meters
14 #define MGEO 42614000.0 // geo orbit radius meters
15 #define T288 14400.0 // m288 orbit time
16 #define TGEO 86400.0 // geo orbit time
17 #define R_M (MGEO) // orbit radius
18 #define TSUN (TGEO) // sun-relative orbit time
20 #define R_P 6356752.0 // polar earth radius meters
21 #define R_E 6378137.0 // equatorial earth radius meters
22 #define TILT 23.439281 // degrees
24 #define FNT "DejaVuMonoSansBold"
25 #define FSZ 16
27 // MAJOR KLUDGE WARNING! These plot corners depend on what Gnuplot draws:
28 #define XGP_UL 168
29 #define YGP_UL 83
31 #include <math.h>
32 #include <gd.h>
33 #include <string.h>
34 #include <stdio.h>
35 #include <stdlib.h>
37 FILE *file ; //
38 char gnuplot[200] ; //
40 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 int main() {
43 double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);
44 double d2r = pi/180.0 ;
45 double yang ;
46 double phi = d2r * TILT ;
47 double kr0 = sin(phi)*sin(phi) ;
48 double kr1 = -kr0*( 1.0 - ( (R_M*R_M + R_P*R_P) / (R_E*R_E) ) ) ;
50 double xea = 0.0 ;
51 double fra = 0.0 ;
52 double tea = 0.0 ;
54 printf( "%12.9f=kr1 %12.9f=kr0\n", kr1, kr0 );
56 file = fopen( OFILE, "w" );
58 for( yang=0.0 ; yang < YEAR-0.001 ; yang++ ) {
59 double beta = d2r * yang ;
60 double sin2beta = sin(beta)*sin(beta) ;
61 double xe ;
62 double numer = (1.0-kr1*sin2beta) ;
63 if( numer > 0.0 ) { xe = R_E *sqrt(numer/(1.0-kr0*sin2beta)) ; }
64 else { xe = 0.0 ; }
66 double frac = asin( xe/R_M )/pi;
67 double te = TSUN * frac ;
68 fprintf( file,"%9.4f%9.6f%12.2f%12.4f\n",
69 yang, frac, xe, te ); // add a plot point
70 xea += xe ;
71 fra += frac ;
72 tea += te ;
73 }
74 fclose( file );
76 // plot angle versus time
78 sprintf( gnuplot, "/usr/local/bin/gp", NAME );
79 system( gnuplot );
81 printf( "avg %11.6ffr%14.2fx%14.4ft\n",
82 fra/YEAR, xea/YEAR, tea/YEAR );
83 return(0);
84 }
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