= Life in the Hothouse = === Melanie Lenhart, The University of Arizona Press, Multco, 550 L563L 2010 === ----- .Gaia Theory, the Earth adapts .p96 Free Air Carbon Dioxide Experiment (FACE) south of Phoenix .Air above test plants at 550 ppm CO₂, p100 14 percent less protein in wheat .p100 higher CO₂ improves water and nutrient use efficiency .stomata open more briefly to let in CO₂, less water escapes .Cactus wait for cool night to collect CO₂ .FACE: 14% less protein in wheat, 10% to 20% less calcium and zinc in soybeans .p152 Weathering turns bedrock into soil, erosion moves soil downslope .p152 Ocean bicarbonate and carbonate holds 50x more carbon than air .p151 Robert Berner .p155 weathering increases in warm moist climates .Iceland: Weathering rates under trees 4x faster than neighboring ground .plants increase weathering 2x to 10x .plants with penetrating roots appeared 380 Mya, during Devonian, lichens have less ability .plants increase CO₂ in soil 10x to 100x, produce organic, [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humic_acid|humic and fulvic]] acids. .p176 trees cut violent crime in half in Chicago's Ida B. Wells housing complex .p177 Trees make neighborhoods 6℃ cooler .hottest neighborhoods, heat-related illness in 25% of households .p178 redwood trees turn airborne moisture into low fog, increase moisture retention by 50% .p179 Amazon rain forest, canopy creates inversion at 20 meters, holds in moisture .p180 isolated populations reduce genetic diversity and adaptability .p189 tannins in water allow deep-water creatures nearer the surface