= Machines Of Loving Grace = === John Markoff, HarperCollins 2015, Bvtn Lib 303.483 MAR === ----- Markoff is a smart guy, and has followed these developments from the beginning. The first half of the book is excellent, but it bogs down between pages 120 to 270 (approximately); although much is being said about artificial intelligence, there is less there than the broadcast media would lead us to believe. If there is a second edition, much less about the history of AI, and more about the details of augmented reality and neural nets might be informative (assuming those don't hit a wall). . AI vs IA (Intelligence Amplification) - many AI pioneers shifted to enhancing human capability .xii : Stanford area, 1964: John !McCarthy, Doug Englebart .004 : 1966 SRI, Shakey - robot w cameras on cart, tethered to racks of computers, minutes between moves .005 : 1966 SRI, oN Line System - Englebart lab .007 : 1969 Bill Duvall, network link to LA .010 : Paul Saffo, "Never mistake a clear view for a short distance" . labor force continues to expand, between 1964 and 2012 the economy added [[ http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/10/the-consequences-of-machine-intelligence/264066 | 74M jobs ]] .010 : Job destruction for routinized middle-class jobs, expansion at the bottom and top of pyramid .021 : Tony Tether, 2004 director DARPA .032 : Sebastian Thrun ... 039 : Google self-driving car modified Prius .045 : Google car, commutes to Berkeley, weekend to Tahoe .046 : Tesla autopilot announcement .057 : Handoff problem, "Google decided that while in some distant future that might be a solvable problem, it wasn't possible now with existing technology." .058 : "golf cart" cars, less than 25 MPH for low speed urban driving . average in NY 17mph, SF 18mph - ''but what is averaged with zero - what is the distribution and what happens when you clip off the top??'' .059 : planned communities, vehicle sharing .060 : trolley problem .061 : 90% of accidents caused by driver error - ''but which drivers?'' .061 : V2X - transmits location of nearby vehicles .062 : Englebart's Mother of All Demos .065 : Philips shaver factory Drachten Netherlands, ... with human rework .069 : 1949 Norbert Weiner, human consequences, "The Human Use of Human Beings", "God and Golem, Inc" .076 : Luddite Fallacy, 1995 Rifkin "The End of Work" - but jobs 115M to 137M by 2005 (19% vs 11% pop. growth) .078 : AI impact on legal discovery .080 : Skill mismatch: transactions and production decline, interactions and problem solving increase by 4.8M jobs .081 : 1985 to 2004: 60k ATMs, 485k tellers to 352k ATMs, 527k tellers, 2011: 601k tellers, 152k repairers .084 : !McKinsey 2011, [[ http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/high_tech_telecoms_internet/internet_matters | internet created 2.6 jobs for every job lost ]] .084 : Kurzweil: Humans transcend biology in 2045, ''singularity movement'' .087 : 2013 International federation of robotics [[http://www.ifr.org/news/ifr-press-release/ifr-robots-improve-manufacturing-success-create-jobs-469 | 3.6 jobs created per robot ]] .088 : 2014, Robert J. Gordon Northwestern University economist, ''gains do not show up in conventional productivity figures.'' [[http:/www/nber.org/papers/w19895 | peak improvement in 1998]] .090 : Toyota - automated factories do not improve themselves .093 : Aging populations in China, Europe. US is younger because of immigration .095-158 : Rise, fall, and resurrection of AI: "AI winter" followed by 2012 Hinton neural networks .116 : Hans Moravec's "hideway office", age 64 (1950?), survive until 2050 by eating well and walking .211 : Lee Felsenstein 1973, free public computer terminals in SF and Berkeley, 1976 Homebrew Computer Club, Sol-20. Osborne 1 .217 : Eric Horvitz, The Office Assistant, AKA "The Fucking Clown", dumbed down to "Clippy" to fit on distro disk .220 : "Her" ... Liesl Capper's "My Perfect Girlfriend" shut down in 2014 .229 : Boston Dynamics, Marc Raibert, Atlas robots .260 : Scott Hassan, Willow Garage 2006 to 2014 .272 : Augmented Reality, 2013 "Magic Leap" .282 : Tom Gruber, Hearsay II to SIRI .343 : Bill Duvall, Tom Gruber, Adam Cheyer, Terry Winograd, and Gary Bradsky -> Human centered design .344 : ''"This is about us, about humans and the kind of world we will create. It's not about the machines"''