= Neil de Grasse Tyson = == Astrophysics for People in a Hurry == === Beaverton 523.01 Tyson 2017 === ----- Amusing. Fairly substantial for the less-informed. Facts (claims?) I can use are on page 104 of the large print edition: . The Macy's parade balloons use almost as much helium as the US military . [[ https://www.livescience.com/60998-macys-balloons-wont-use-up-helium.html | 300,000 cubic feet, ~9000 m3 ]] . 21 billion m3 in the helium reserve in 2017, 31 billion m3 worldwide . 47 million m3/year in the US . Big bang cosmology, no more than 1% lithium, no less than 10% helium