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 I Am Not A Biologist ('''IANAB'''). When you see '''IANAB''', I am reminding you that if an imaginative biologist (say, George Church) is sure that what I say is impossible BS, they are right and I am wrong. OTOH, many very-narrow-focus biologists do not think technologically, or beyond the limited horizons of the tools in their labs in 2016. I work on silicon; we make 14 nanometer lines and spaces with 193 nanometer light, and we are developing tools for extreme ultraviolet lithography using 13.5 nm light; perhaps 1 nanometer devices will become possible. I do not pretend to guess what 7 billion clever people can do with these tools, beyond the likelihood that it will be '''awesome'''. I want to make it easier for clever biologists to do ''cheap'' awesome '''safely'''.  I Am Not A Biologist (<<Anchor(IANAB)>>'''IANAB'''). When you see '''IANAB''', I am reminding you that if an imaginative biologist (say, George Church) is sure that what I say is impossible BS, they are right and I am wrong. OTOH, many very-narrow-focus biologists do not think technologically, or beyond the limited horizons of the tools in their labs in 2016. I work on silicon; we make 14 nanometer lines and spaces with 193 nanometer light, and we are developing tools for extreme ultraviolet lithography using 13.5 nm light; perhaps 1 nanometer devices will become possible. I do not pretend to guess what 7 billion clever people can do with these tools, beyond the likelihood that it will be '''awesome'''. I want to make it easier for clever biologists to do ''cheap'' awesome '''safely'''.
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While nothing is 100.0000% escape proof, lunar and jovian orbits seem more escape resistant than a lab on Earth, and a better place for such extremely dangerous experiments. I will not belabor the Jupiter case, or attempt to construct concrete examples; I will leave that for philosophers and other adolescent individuals to argue about among themselves. Please do not bother me with your speculations unless you can provide detailed CAD drawings, material suppliers, and construction procedures; I have more important things to do. From here on, I will focus on lunar labs and the opportunities for mid-term (within a century) experimental biology. While nothing is 100.00% escape proof, lunar and jovian orbits seem more escape resistant than a lab on Earth, and a better place for such extremely dangerous experiments. I will not belabor the Jupiter case, or attempt to construct concrete examples; I will leave that for philosophers and other adolescent individuals to argue about among themselves. Please do not bother me with your speculations unless you can provide detailed CAD drawings, material suppliers, and construction procedures; I have more important things to do. From here on, I will focus on lunar labs and the opportunities for mid-term (within a century) experimental biology.
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 .2) Synthesize '''DNA-2.0''', recoded DNA with a new set of transfer RNA that use different DNA codon triplets to select the same amino acids. Such lifeforms will be recombinant- and virus-incompatible with normal Earth DNA.  .2) Synthesize <<Anchor(DNA2)>> '''DNA-2.0''', recoded DNA with a new set of transfer RNA that use different DNA codon triplets to select the same amino acids. Such lifeforms will be recombinant- and virus-incompatible with normal Earth DNA.
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 .5) '''Robot Cells with External Repair:''' A "ROCER" is the cellular equivalent of an ant in a colony; it /cannot/ reproduce itself, but can detect damage. A damaged ROCER signals for transport to a fully capable ROCER repair cell. A ROCER can be much smaller than a cell, perhaps the size of a large virus, and performs simple tasks.  .5) '''Robot Cells with External Repair:''' A <<Anchor(ROCER)>>'''"ROCER"''' is the cellular equivalent of an ant in a colony; it /cannot/ reproduce itself, but can detect damage. A damaged [[#ROCER|ROCER]] signals for transport to a fully capable [[#ROCER|ROCER]] repair cell. A [[#ROCER|ROCER]] can be much smaller than a cell, perhaps the size of a large virus, and performs simple tasks, relying on repair cells for many functions that a normal cell performs internally.
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Starting with these tools, lifeforms that cannot evade their programming, we can start working on important tasks for human health and space travel. These molecular devices are manufactured de-novo to perform specific tasks in specific environments - such as individual human bodies. Starting with these tools, non-Darwinian artificial lifeforms that cannot evade their programming, we can start working on important tasks for human health and space travel. These molecular devices are manufactured de-novo to perform specific tasks in specific environments - such as individual human bodies.
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'''HLA-compatible repair robots'''
'''HLA-compatible repair robots:''' The human immune system detects invaders by looking at '''H'''uman '''L'''eukocyte '''A'''ntigens on cell surfaces. Leukocyte immune cells engulf and destroy objects without them. Every individual human (and animal that we wish to protect) will have their HLA systems completely characterized. Computer models of every individual will be used to create individualized systems of [[#ROCER|ROCER]]s, [[#ROCER|ROCER]] transports, and [[#ROCER|ROCER]] repair cells that can (under external control) be used for various measurement and repair tasks within the body.
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'''DNA/methylization damage repair:'''
'''Cell garbage removal'''. Cellular molecular processes make mistakes, and the results of the less common mistakes are molecules that the cell cannot process, some of which accumulate as [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipofuscin | lipofuscin ]] within cells, or amyloid plaques in brains. While evolved individuals lack the processes to identify and remove these materials, we can learn to do so by artificial means.

'''Viral removal'''. We can also identify and remove viruses from the body. Note that children resequenced to a canonical form of [[#DNA2 | DNA 2.0 ]] (along with their helpful gut bacteria) will be completely immune to DNA 1.0 viruses, and will not be interfertile with DNA 1.0 humans, but will otherwise be identical in behavior and biochemistry.

'''DNA/methylization damage repair:''' Individual cells store information in DNA, but also in the methylizations that program each particular cell for a particular task. Free radical damage (mostly from oxygen, some from radiation) damage the DNA, which can cripple or age a cell. Given a "canonical" DNA sequence for an individual, plus a table of methylizations for each cell type in a particular location, we can learn to rebuild nuclear DNA. This will eliminate cancer and many degenerative diseases.

'''Neural repair:''' These tissues are vastly more difficult than other forms of cell repair, because they are '''precisely specific'''. A neuron connects to specific synapses with precise weightings, storing information structurally. If a neuron dies, its structural information dies with it, beyond recovery; adding a new neuron cannot regenerate the information that was stored in the old neuron. With a precise map of each neuron and its synapses, we can replace it, or restore a damaged neuron to health, but a hypothetical repair system ''must'' have that map ''before'' the neuron is damaged. While some cells in the brain (glia, astrocytes, etc.) can and do regenerate naturally, and some neurons in some portions of some brains (like rat olfactory bulbs) can also replicate, the best evidence is that [[ http://www.pnas.org/content/103/33/12564.full | human cortex neurons are not replaced after development]] (gestation plus a month or two after birth). Note also that almost all brain cancers are replicating support cells, not neurons; if something can reproduce, it can reproduce incorrectly, so the absence of incorrect reproduction points to an absence of normal reproduction.

 This makes sense to me as an engineer. Wires corrode on circuit boards, and those circuit boards can fail. Tossing in a bunch of wires doesn't help, and will probably short out something else, rather than fortuitously bridge only the corroded gaps. Unless dying brain cells contain map information that they can transfer to new brain cells, which can leap into the vacancy created by the dead cell ''after'' it is scavenged and removed, there is no plausible way for an added neuron to restore the function of a dead one.

But what nature does not provide, artificial biology (using external maps and a much larger range of tools) may be able to ([[#IANAB | IANAB]]). In 2016, our computers are far less capable than molecular biology, but they are already "global"; an individual cell cannot sense what a whole organ or body is doing, beyond the chemical messengers it is programmed to respond to. We can bypass the slow Darwinian process, and add "error handling systems" that individual cells cannot.

If we want our brains to survive and grow beyond a century, or survive harsh environments (like television-advertised diets), we cannot do it with pharmaceutical and dietary cures alone. Neurons die, and are not replaced naturally. We must tinker with the neurons themselves, measuring and characterizing each neuron while it is working, and replace it with an artificial duplicate (biological or biorobotic) when it inevitably fails.

'''Muscle repair:''' Muscle cells also do not regenerate, though some rare myosarcomas develop from immature muscle cells that remain after development (note: remove these and store them!). Muscle cells can develop or atrophy, but they are stimulated by neurons, so a muscle cell without a neural synapse attached is useless. Creating new muscle cells with an externally driven plan makes sense; nature does not provide the whole-system knowledge to implement such a plan. When we can rebuild neurons, we can extend them to new muscle cells.

'''Other tissues:''' While nature's construction and repair systems are marvelous, they are limited to "cellular local" knowledge, chemical messengers, and for the specific environments encountered during evolution - which do not include television, sedentary living, junk food, alcohol, tobacco, etc. They are not teleological - they do what they do, not what we want. Human systems are not even very good at surviving some conditions encountered in nature; starvation, extreme cold, epidemics.

'''Biostasis:''' Cells ingest energy and expel entropy. Homeothermic (warm-blooded) animals require a continuous input of energy and emission of waste to survive; lowering body temperature only 2% (from 37°C to 31°C, from 310 to 304 Kelvin) causes moderate [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothermia | hypothermia ]], a 6% lowering to 18°C or 291 Kelvin is usually deadly. [[#IANAB|IANAB]], buy my guess is that some temperature-excited processes have different activation energies and slow more than others, so processes do not slow in synchronization, cell machinery misbehaves, and the expulsion of entropy fails. Cells accumulate damage and die.

Can specially designed [[#ROCER|ROCER]] repair machines continue to operate in a cooled environment, structurally maintaining cells after normal metabolism ceases? This is an important question. If such [[#ROCER|ROCER]]s can be made, and supplied with a source of nonbiological energy (such as molecules easily manufactured with solar energy), then a human can be kept in suspended animation without food, and continuously repaired, at temperatures of perhaps 5C, above the freezing point of blood. This can be a low maintenance alternative to [[http://www.alcor.org/AboutCryonics/index.html|cryonics]], without differential thermo-mechanical contraction problems (likely a big problem for nanometer synaptic gaps attached to centimeter axons), with liquid water permitting [[#ROCER|ROCER]] transport. A great deal of energy will be needed for computation and control, but much of that can be distant and redundant.

'''Direct Neural Connection:''' Humans are [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Clark | natural-born cyborgs ]]. Human brains [[ http://cogprints.org/21/1/1983JTheoretBiol.htm | developed in tandem with tool use]], and [[ http://williamcalvin.com/LEM/index.htm | language uses the same left-brain neural pathways ]]. We can reprogram our own neural circuits very adaptively, to do crazy stunts like typing on computers while imagining the web pages they create, and guessing the reactions of those reading them (in this case, I am imagining confusion and annoyed impatience, where's the [[ http://britneyspears.ac/physics/basics/images/britneycbvb.jpg | pictures of buxom celebrities? ]] ).

We have very unbalanced I/O; we filter about 20 megabits of sensory data per second (mostly visual) into a few hundred bits per second of motor response; brains make decisions, decisions make muscle movements. So far, our decisions and muscle movements have helped us cover a whole planet in vast numbers, and use up irreplaceable resources in a blink of geological/evolutionary time. Our decisions are currently not well adapted to gigayear survival, and typing is only slightly better at providing exercise than poking at a TV remote.

To interact properly with the universe in the long term, we should conciously filter our inputs (elevating environmental awareness over brand name snack foods) and increase our filtered output capability (hundred-bit to megabit output, with some of the stupid reactivity reprocessed into wisdom). Perhaps we can implant muscle tissue, neural growth factors, and imageable platinum microspheres next to the motor cortex, and teach ourselves to control hundreds of virtual limbs rather than the four most of us are born with. This may be the best way to adapt to strange environments, like space. We can turn our addictive fascination with video games into rapid, fascinating, reality-focused training. With the addition of [[#ROCER|ROCER]], we can resculpt the brain to interface better with these systems, or construct new systems that produce electromagnetic rather than chemical and muscular outputs.

Current attempts at human-machine electrical interface use electrodes, zapping neurons with electrical jolts and sensing the weak electrical byproducts of their operations. While neurons move signals down axons as slow, weak electrochemical waves, they signal across synapses with chemical messengers, not electrons, femtojoule chemical pulses rather than the millijoule electrical hammers. When I think about electrical stimulus of neurons, I imagine a prisoner being electrocuted, and emptying bowels and bladder in a horrible death spasm. Yes, we can electrocute a synapse and make it emit neurotransmitter molecules, but we should use biocompatible microbiological systems to generate those neurotransmitter molecules directly. Connecting to those microbiological systems from outside the skull will require sophisticated, repairable, immune-system friendly signal transport, but [[#IANAB|IANAB]], so I will leave it to future biologists to design those systems.

=== Space Settlements ===

Space settlements as presently envisioned are suburbia wrapped into a radiation-shielded tube, and spun to create artificial gravity. [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biosphere_2 | We've tried experiments with independent biospheres]]. Some folks (who read a lot of science fiction but have not learned to say [[#IANAB|IANAB]] claim that it "coulda worked" if the designers of Biosphere 2 weren't idiots. In reality, it seems that actual, viable, self-contained biospheres capable of supporting human intelligence are a difficult problem that nature took [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_Earth_hypothesis | 14 billion years to solve ]].

Land animals are not fish in "exowater" suits; we survive on land because we are adapted to it. My guess [[#IANAB|(IANAB)]] is that human 1.0 plus artificial biology can be artificially adapted to the high radiation microgravity space environment:
 .1) Microgravity
  . Microgravity requires bone repair and transport of materials that are normally sorted out by gravity. [[#ROCER|ROCER]]?
 .2) Radiation
  . Radiation damage requires repair. [[#ROCER|ROCER]]?
 .3) Vacuum
  . Perhaps the most difficult, adding real-time-adaptive mechanical pressure to the skin in ways that mimic 100 kilopascal atmosphere, and supply and support gas interchange to the living cells beneath, while vapor and gas emissions are captured and recycled.

'''Vacuum tolerance is optional:''' People can live and work in pressure vessels, and connect to the space environment through robotics. Indeed, microgravity may be beyond the adaptive range of human mobility, so "machine translation" between natural human movement and appropriate movements in zero gee is probably optimum. We will be encased in a robotic shroud - pressurizing that shroud is a minor additional problem, and convective air might be best for cooling the robotic components. We will connect, not through muscle movements or even [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromyography|myoelectric]] surface sensors (muscles produce more electrical signal than the neurons that trigger them), but through chemical/synaptic interface to the brain. One human mind will be able to operate vast space systems at the executive level, mediated through countless computers and machines, the way one human mind controls a hundred-trillion-cell body. We will accomplish far more with our minds than with our hands.

But why will we go to space colonies? We are learning to operate space robotic systems through [[http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/iss/dextre/default.asp | predictive-adaptive telepresence]] from Earth; in time, space robot operators will become as adept and capable as those controlling [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remotely_operated_underwater_vehicle | robot submersables]]. Why will humans go into space?

Perhaps because they will engage in risky biological processes not permitted on Earth; '''first adopters''' for the technologies described above. If your choice is death or space, you will chose space ... or you will if you can afford to pay tens of millions of dollars per year to do so. The cost of an unmodified human astronaut on ISS is billions per year, and space travel is too dangerous and health damaging the way we do it now. The crossover will occur when space becomes survivable for risk takers. Indeed, those risk takers may choose illegal risks to get there; national programs attuned to bureaucratic inertia and public fears will not be audacious.

=== Space Travel to Other Planets, and Beyond ===

The current model of a round trip to Mars is an enormous undertaking, perhaps a thousand times as difficult as Apollo to the Moon. This is not just one, but two high speed trips between planets, and a Hohmann orbit from Earth to Mars takes 100 times as long as the orbit from Earth to Moon. Worse, slowing from interplanetary velocities (twice!) is much more difficult than reentry from the Moon. We learned how to reenter from the Moon from the engineers that designed ICBM warhead reentry; they're dead now.

The 25 billion dollar Apollo program (in 1969 dollars) inflates to $160 billion in 2016, and produced 300 mission hours on the moon for two people; that's 2.4 trillion dollars per crew-mission-year. The Moon is 390 thousand kilometers away by Hohmann trajectory; Mars is 380 million. Delta V's are significantly higher, and the costs of rockets go up exponentially with delta V. While our electronics and biological skills have increased considerably since 1969, our rockets are less capable than the Saturn V, and produced in much lower quantities than the V-2.

Would you bet on rockets, electronics, or biology?

While some presume we can recreate a living environment on Mars with current technology, so that a one-way trip is not merely an enormously expensive form of suicide, they may not have noticed that current technology is mostly damaging to the living environment of Earth. We will begin by practicing on adapted space colonies, populated with renegades who have modified their personal microbiology to do so cheaply.

Mars, and later the outer planets, will be visited by space adapted humans. In addition to the microgravity and radiation adaptations above, interplanetary travellers will reduce their biological resource consumption through biostasis. They will arrive on Mars to a biosculpted environment designed and tested in orbiting labs and space settlements, and re-enter biostasis if they outrun their resources, or to await delivery of repair parts from Earth.
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Orbit Microbiology

  • I Am Not A Biologist (IANAB). When you see IANAB, I am reminding you that if an imaginative biologist (say, George Church) is sure that what I say is impossible BS, they are right and I am wrong. OTOH, many very-narrow-focus biologists do not think technologically, or beyond the limited horizons of the tools in their labs in 2016. I work on silicon; we make 14 nanometer lines and spaces with 193 nanometer light, and we are developing tools for extreme ultraviolet lithography using 13.5 nm light; perhaps 1 nanometer devices will become possible. I do not pretend to guess what 7 billion clever people can do with these tools, beyond the likelihood that it will be awesome. I want to make it easier for clever biologists to do cheap awesome safely.

Experiments with radically engineered microbiology may be too dangerous to perform on Earth. Whether current fears of genetic modification are overblown, it is possible that very advanced future experiments may be extremely risky, and even a tiny chance of reproducing biological material escaping confinement could have world-destroying consequences. Again, it is very unlikely that we will be able to perform such experiments soon, but we should have safe places to perform them.

Two safer places to perform these experiments are in lunar orbit (for "unintelligent" experiments) and deep Jupiter orbit (for potentially malicious "intelligent" experiments). These locations are "shielded" from Earth by gravity wells and "delta V", requiring high energies and reaction mass for dangerous objects to return to Earth.

Surface Vescape


ΔV to Earth


2.38 km/s

1 km/s around Earth

2 km/s


59.5 km/s

13 km/s around Sun

40 km/s

"ΔV to Earth" is the estimated velocity change needed to reach Earth from a low orbit around either body. Assume that malicious AI can rebuild itself with the materials at hand, and provide "spoof" telemetry, but not violate physical law, spoof external radar about its location, or resist a nuclear interceptor arriving at high speed. An AI might escape to the lunar surface and build a means of escape, but the Jovian atmosphere seems a very unlikely place to build objects capable of escaping into the solar system.

While nothing is 100.00% escape proof, lunar and jovian orbits seem more escape resistant than a lab on Earth, and a better place for such extremely dangerous experiments. I will not belabor the Jupiter case, or attempt to construct concrete examples; I will leave that for philosophers and other adolescent individuals to argue about among themselves. Please do not bother me with your speculations unless you can provide detailed CAD drawings, material suppliers, and construction procedures; I have more important things to do. From here on, I will focus on lunar labs and the opportunities for mid-term (within a century) experimental biology.

Lunar Orbit Labs

A lunar orbit microbiology lab will be capable of synthesizing DNA and inserting it into a synthetic microbe, then observing the results. It will have solar panels, some power storage, minimal shielding for radiation protection and thermal inertia, and high bandwidth laser/optical communication to Earth. Transfer vehicles from Earth may add new modules, replenish materials, or remove, arc-sterilize, and deorbit old modules into a designated "dumping ground" on the Moon.

Extreme caution is the first priority - the only thing leaving the lunar lab will be information, which can be used for similar experiments on Earth, after they have proven safe in the lunar lab.

Orbit: The radius of the Moon is 1740 km, and the Earth-Moon L1 Lagrange point is 58000 km towards Earth. While orbits closer than 100 km, may be unstable due to uneven gravity from mass concentrations ("mascons"), orbits with inclinations of 27°, 50°, 76°, and 86° are stable "frozen" orbits. A microlaboratory at 200 km altitude (1940 km radius) and 27° inclination will be semi-stable for a long time, above the usual Lunar mission parking orbits, and have relatively low closing velocities for entering and exiting missions. The Moon's standard gravitational parameter is 4.90487e12 m³/s², so orbital velocity is 1590 m/s and orbital period is 97 minutes.

Beginning tasks for this laboratory:

  • 1) Synthesize DNA de-novo, and insert it into artificial cells.
  • 2) Synthesize DNA-2.0, recoded DNA with a new set of transfer RNA that use different DNA codon triplets to select the same amino acids. Such lifeforms will be recombinant- and virus-incompatible with normal Earth DNA.

  • 3) Synthesize DNA-3.0, recoded DNA which uses extra amino acids not found in nature, produced by reactions (temperatures, pressures, reagents, elements) not compatible with biological life. Such lifeforms cannot replicate without artificial support.

  • 4) Synthesize Checksum DNA-4.0, DNA that synthesizes RNA indirectly, using the DNA-3.0 sequences scrambled with a checksum of the entire DNA string. Any changes to the DNA string will result in garbage proteins; these artificial lifeforms would not be able to successfully mutate; their sequences must be generated with cryptological calculation. They can evolve, but only with the help of powerful computers.

  • 4a) Self-repairing DNA-4.0, with tools to detect and correct DNA errors. This DNA can be conditionally immortal, and with additional tools for repairing cells, or cellular disassembly and rebuilding, the cells can be too.

  • 5) Robot Cells with External Repair: A "ROCER" is the cellular equivalent of an ant in a colony; it /cannot/ reproduce itself, but can detect damage. A damaged ROCER signals for transport to a fully capable ROCER repair cell. A ROCER can be much smaller than a cell, perhaps the size of a large virus, and performs simple tasks, relying on repair cells for many functions that a normal cell performs internally.

Starting with these tools, non-Darwinian artificial lifeforms that cannot evade their programming, we can start working on important tasks for human health and space travel. These molecular devices are manufactured de-novo to perform specific tasks in specific environments - such as individual human bodies.

HLA-compatible repair robots: The human immune system detects invaders by looking at Human Leukocyte Antigens on cell surfaces. Leukocyte immune cells engulf and destroy objects without them. Every individual human (and animal that we wish to protect) will have their HLA systems completely characterized. Computer models of every individual will be used to create individualized systems of ROCERs, ROCER transports, and ROCER repair cells that can (under external control) be used for various measurement and repair tasks within the body.

Cell garbage removal. Cellular molecular processes make mistakes, and the results of the less common mistakes are molecules that the cell cannot process, some of which accumulate as lipofuscin within cells, or amyloid plaques in brains. While evolved individuals lack the processes to identify and remove these materials, we can learn to do so by artificial means.

Viral removal. We can also identify and remove viruses from the body. Note that children resequenced to a canonical form of DNA 2.0 (along with their helpful gut bacteria) will be completely immune to DNA 1.0 viruses, and will not be interfertile with DNA 1.0 humans, but will otherwise be identical in behavior and biochemistry.

DNA/methylization damage repair: Individual cells store information in DNA, but also in the methylizations that program each particular cell for a particular task. Free radical damage (mostly from oxygen, some from radiation) damage the DNA, which can cripple or age a cell. Given a "canonical" DNA sequence for an individual, plus a table of methylizations for each cell type in a particular location, we can learn to rebuild nuclear DNA. This will eliminate cancer and many degenerative diseases.

Neural repair: These tissues are vastly more difficult than other forms of cell repair, because they are precisely specific. A neuron connects to specific synapses with precise weightings, storing information structurally. If a neuron dies, its structural information dies with it, beyond recovery; adding a new neuron cannot regenerate the information that was stored in the old neuron. With a precise map of each neuron and its synapses, we can replace it, or restore a damaged neuron to health, but a hypothetical repair system must have that map before the neuron is damaged. While some cells in the brain (glia, astrocytes, etc.) can and do regenerate naturally, and some neurons in some portions of some brains (like rat olfactory bulbs) can also replicate, the best evidence is that human cortex neurons are not replaced after development (gestation plus a month or two after birth). Note also that almost all brain cancers are replicating support cells, not neurons; if something can reproduce, it can reproduce incorrectly, so the absence of incorrect reproduction points to an absence of normal reproduction.

  • This makes sense to me as an engineer. Wires corrode on circuit boards, and those circuit boards can fail. Tossing in a bunch of wires doesn't help, and will probably short out something else, rather than fortuitously bridge only the corroded gaps. Unless dying brain cells contain map information that they can transfer to new brain cells, which can leap into the vacancy created by the dead cell after it is scavenged and removed, there is no plausible way for an added neuron to restore the function of a dead one.

But what nature does not provide, artificial biology (using external maps and a much larger range of tools) may be able to (IANAB). In 2016, our computers are far less capable than molecular biology, but they are already "global"; an individual cell cannot sense what a whole organ or body is doing, beyond the chemical messengers it is programmed to respond to. We can bypass the slow Darwinian process, and add "error handling systems" that individual cells cannot.

If we want our brains to survive and grow beyond a century, or survive harsh environments (like television-advertised diets), we cannot do it with pharmaceutical and dietary cures alone. Neurons die, and are not replaced naturally. We must tinker with the neurons themselves, measuring and characterizing each neuron while it is working, and replace it with an artificial duplicate (biological or biorobotic) when it inevitably fails.

Muscle repair: Muscle cells also do not regenerate, though some rare myosarcomas develop from immature muscle cells that remain after development (note: remove these and store them!). Muscle cells can develop or atrophy, but they are stimulated by neurons, so a muscle cell without a neural synapse attached is useless. Creating new muscle cells with an externally driven plan makes sense; nature does not provide the whole-system knowledge to implement such a plan. When we can rebuild neurons, we can extend them to new muscle cells.

Other tissues: While nature's construction and repair systems are marvelous, they are limited to "cellular local" knowledge, chemical messengers, and for the specific environments encountered during evolution - which do not include television, sedentary living, junk food, alcohol, tobacco, etc. They are not teleological - they do what they do, not what we want. Human systems are not even very good at surviving some conditions encountered in nature; starvation, extreme cold, epidemics.

Biostasis: Cells ingest energy and expel entropy. Homeothermic (warm-blooded) animals require a continuous input of energy and emission of waste to survive; lowering body temperature only 2% (from 37°C to 31°C, from 310 to 304 Kelvin) causes moderate hypothermia, a 6% lowering to 18°C or 291 Kelvin is usually deadly. IANAB, buy my guess is that some temperature-excited processes have different activation energies and slow more than others, so processes do not slow in synchronization, cell machinery misbehaves, and the expulsion of entropy fails. Cells accumulate damage and die.

Can specially designed ROCER repair machines continue to operate in a cooled environment, structurally maintaining cells after normal metabolism ceases? This is an important question. If such ROCERs can be made, and supplied with a source of nonbiological energy (such as molecules easily manufactured with solar energy), then a human can be kept in suspended animation without food, and continuously repaired, at temperatures of perhaps 5C, above the freezing point of blood. This can be a low maintenance alternative to cryonics, without differential thermo-mechanical contraction problems (likely a big problem for nanometer synaptic gaps attached to centimeter axons), with liquid water permitting ROCER transport. A great deal of energy will be needed for computation and control, but much of that can be distant and redundant.

Direct Neural Connection: Humans are natural-born cyborgs. Human brains developed in tandem with tool use, and language uses the same left-brain neural pathways. We can reprogram our own neural circuits very adaptively, to do crazy stunts like typing on computers while imagining the web pages they create, and guessing the reactions of those reading them (in this case, I am imagining confusion and annoyed impatience, where's the pictures of buxom celebrities? ).

We have very unbalanced I/O; we filter about 20 megabits of sensory data per second (mostly visual) into a few hundred bits per second of motor response; brains make decisions, decisions make muscle movements. So far, our decisions and muscle movements have helped us cover a whole planet in vast numbers, and use up irreplaceable resources in a blink of geological/evolutionary time. Our decisions are currently not well adapted to gigayear survival, and typing is only slightly better at providing exercise than poking at a TV remote.

To interact properly with the universe in the long term, we should conciously filter our inputs (elevating environmental awareness over brand name snack foods) and increase our filtered output capability (hundred-bit to megabit output, with some of the stupid reactivity reprocessed into wisdom). Perhaps we can implant muscle tissue, neural growth factors, and imageable platinum microspheres next to the motor cortex, and teach ourselves to control hundreds of virtual limbs rather than the four most of us are born with. This may be the best way to adapt to strange environments, like space. We can turn our addictive fascination with video games into rapid, fascinating, reality-focused training. With the addition of ROCER, we can resculpt the brain to interface better with these systems, or construct new systems that produce electromagnetic rather than chemical and muscular outputs.

Current attempts at human-machine electrical interface use electrodes, zapping neurons with electrical jolts and sensing the weak electrical byproducts of their operations. While neurons move signals down axons as slow, weak electrochemical waves, they signal across synapses with chemical messengers, not electrons, femtojoule chemical pulses rather than the millijoule electrical hammers. When I think about electrical stimulus of neurons, I imagine a prisoner being electrocuted, and emptying bowels and bladder in a horrible death spasm. Yes, we can electrocute a synapse and make it emit neurotransmitter molecules, but we should use biocompatible microbiological systems to generate those neurotransmitter molecules directly. Connecting to those microbiological systems from outside the skull will require sophisticated, repairable, immune-system friendly signal transport, but IANAB, so I will leave it to future biologists to design those systems.

Space Settlements

Space settlements as presently envisioned are suburbia wrapped into a radiation-shielded tube, and spun to create artificial gravity. We've tried experiments with independent biospheres. Some folks (who read a lot of science fiction but have not learned to say IANAB claim that it "coulda worked" if the designers of Biosphere 2 weren't idiots. In reality, it seems that actual, viable, self-contained biospheres capable of supporting human intelligence are a difficult problem that nature took 14 billion years to solve.

Land animals are not fish in "exowater" suits; we survive on land because we are adapted to it. My guess (IANAB) is that human 1.0 plus artificial biology can be artificially adapted to the high radiation microgravity space environment:

  • 1) Microgravity
    • Microgravity requires bone repair and transport of materials that are normally sorted out by gravity. ROCER?

  • 2) Radiation
    • Radiation damage requires repair. ROCER?

  • 3) Vacuum
    • Perhaps the most difficult, adding real-time-adaptive mechanical pressure to the skin in ways that mimic 100 kilopascal atmosphere, and supply and support gas interchange to the living cells beneath, while vapor and gas emissions are captured and recycled.

Vacuum tolerance is optional: People can live and work in pressure vessels, and connect to the space environment through robotics. Indeed, microgravity may be beyond the adaptive range of human mobility, so "machine translation" between natural human movement and appropriate movements in zero gee is probably optimum. We will be encased in a robotic shroud - pressurizing that shroud is a minor additional problem, and convective air might be best for cooling the robotic components. We will connect, not through muscle movements or even myoelectric surface sensors (muscles produce more electrical signal than the neurons that trigger them), but through chemical/synaptic interface to the brain. One human mind will be able to operate vast space systems at the executive level, mediated through countless computers and machines, the way one human mind controls a hundred-trillion-cell body. We will accomplish far more with our minds than with our hands.

But why will we go to space colonies? We are learning to operate space robotic systems through predictive-adaptive telepresence from Earth; in time, space robot operators will become as adept and capable as those controlling robot submersables. Why will humans go into space?

Perhaps because they will engage in risky biological processes not permitted on Earth; first adopters for the technologies described above. If your choice is death or space, you will chose space ... or you will if you can afford to pay tens of millions of dollars per year to do so. The cost of an unmodified human astronaut on ISS is billions per year, and space travel is too dangerous and health damaging the way we do it now. The crossover will occur when space becomes survivable for risk takers. Indeed, those risk takers may choose illegal risks to get there; national programs attuned to bureaucratic inertia and public fears will not be audacious.

Space Travel to Other Planets, and Beyond

The current model of a round trip to Mars is an enormous undertaking, perhaps a thousand times as difficult as Apollo to the Moon. This is not just one, but two high speed trips between planets, and a Hohmann orbit from Earth to Mars takes 100 times as long as the orbit from Earth to Moon. Worse, slowing from interplanetary velocities (twice!) is much more difficult than reentry from the Moon. We learned how to reenter from the Moon from the engineers that designed ICBM warhead reentry; they're dead now.

The 25 billion dollar Apollo program (in 1969 dollars) inflates to $160 billion in 2016, and produced 300 mission hours on the moon for two people; that's 2.4 trillion dollars per crew-mission-year. The Moon is 390 thousand kilometers away by Hohmann trajectory; Mars is 380 million. Delta V's are significantly higher, and the costs of rockets go up exponentially with delta V. While our electronics and biological skills have increased considerably since 1969, our rockets are less capable than the Saturn V, and produced in much lower quantities than the V-2.

Would you bet on rockets, electronics, or biology?

While some presume we can recreate a living environment on Mars with current technology, so that a one-way trip is not merely an enormously expensive form of suicide, they may not have noticed that current technology is mostly damaging to the living environment of Earth. We will begin by practicing on adapted space colonies, populated with renegades who have modified their personal microbiology to do so cheaply.

Mars, and later the outer planets, will be visited by space adapted humans. In addition to the microgravity and radiation adaptations above, interplanetary travellers will reduce their biological resource consumption through biostasis. They will arrive on Mars to a biosculpted environment designed and tested in orbiting labs and space settlements, and re-enter biostasis if they outrun their resources, or to await delivery of repair parts from Earth.


OrbitMicrobiology (last edited 2016-12-08 09:28:19 by KeithLofstrom)