Attachment 'magf05.pov'
Download 1 // magf05.pov
2 // rotate around x axis
4 #declare starscale = 200 ;
5 #declare starsize = 0.003 ;
7 #include ""
8 #include ""
9 #include ""
10 #include ""
11 #include ""
12 #include ""
14 #declare rad = 3.141593265/180.0 ;
16 #declare L2_half = 0.5*2.0 ;
17 #declare L1_half = 0.5*1.1 ;
19 // dipole angular direction components
20 #declare angl_n = 10.26 ; // degrees
21 #declare angl_e = 71.78-180 ; // degrees ( to west )
23 // angular dipole displacement components
24 #declare offs_r = 552.0*KM/R_Earth ; // normalized to 1 RE
25 #declare offs_n = 22.2*rad ; // degrees to radians
26 #declare offs_e = (180.0-141.6)*rad ; // degrees to radians
28 // find Cartesian displacement components
29 #declare offs_h = offs_r*cos(offs_n) ;
30 #declare offs_x = offs_h*sin(offs_e) ;
31 #declare offs_y = offs_r*sin(offs_n) ;
32 #declare offs_z = offs_h*cos(offs_e) ;
34 // server sky
35 #declare m288 = 12789.0*KM/R_Earth ;
37 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 Set_Camera_Location ( < 0.0, 2.0, -10.0 > )
40 Set_Camera_Look_At ( < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > )
41 Set_Camera_Angle ( 25.0 )
43 light_source{ < -10.0, 0.0, -50.0 > color White }
45 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 #declare magfield = color rgbt < 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.8 > ;
49 // squash torus to approximate McIlwain sin()^2
50 #declare magv = sqrt( 1.0 / ( sqrt( 8.0 ) - 1 ) ) ;
52 #declare earthfield = union {
53 union {
54 object { earth1 rotate -90*y }
55 cylinder { -1.100*y, 1.100*y, 0.010 texture { pigment { color <1,0,0> }}}
56 cylinder { -0.002*y, 0.002*y, 1.003 texture { pigment { color <1,0,0> }}}
57 cylinder { -0.002*z, 0.002*z, 1.003 texture { pigment { color <0,0,1> }}}
58 cylinder { -0.002*x, 0.002*x, 1.003 texture { pigment { color <1,1,1> }}}
60 // longitude and latitude
61 #declare lat = -80.0*rad ;
62 #while( lat < 81.0*rad )
63 #declare sm = sin(lat) - 0.001 ;
64 #declare sp = sin(lat) + 0.001 ;
65 #declare cp = cos(lat) + 0.001 ;
66 // #debug concat( str(lat,8,1), str(sp,8,4), str(cp,8,4), "\n" )
67 cylinder { sm*y, sp*y, cp texture { pigment { color <0.5,0.5,0.5> }}}
68 #declare lat = lat + 10.0*rad ;
69 #end
71 #declare long = 0 ;
72 #while( long < 180 )
73 cylinder { -0.002*x, 0.002*x, 1.002
74 texture { pigment { color <0.5,0.5,0.5> }}
75 rotate long*y
76 }
77 #declare long = long+10 ;
78 #end
79 }
80 union {
81 difference {
82 torus { L2_half, L2_half }
83 torus { L1_half, L1_half }
84 texture { pigment { color magfield }
85 finish { ambient 0.9 diffuse 0.2 } }
86 scale < 1.0, magv, 1.0 >
87 }
88 cylinder { -1.1*y, 1.1*y, 0.01 texture { pigment { color <1,1,0> } } }
89 rotate angl_n * x
90 rotate angl_e * y
91 translate < offs_x , offs_y, offs_z >
92 }
94 object { torus { m288, 0.002 }
95 texture { pigment { color <1,1,1> }
96 finish { ambient 1.0 diffuse 0.0 } }
97 // rotate 90*x
98 }
99 }
101 object { earthfield rotate -clock*y } // 0, 45, 90, 135 ... 315
102 union { AllStars( White ) }
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