= SPENVIS = . spenvis.oma.be radiation and atmosphere models (no, I don't know what O M A stands for, if anything. There main web page refers to "Space Pole", and I don't know what that means, either. . [[ https://www.spenvis.oma.be/help/background/traprad/traprad.html | SPENVIS tutorial on space radiation ]] . ring current drift: ions eastward, electrons westward . [[ https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19770012039 | AP-8 Trapped Proton Environment for Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum ]] (19770012039.pdf) pg 7, paragraph 4: "The AP8MAX equatorial radial profiles differ from AP8MIN only for L below 1.3 Earth radii (1900 km altitude) and, therefore, are not shown." Plots from page 87 to 93: || [[ attachment:AP8MIN01.png | {{ attachment:AP8MIN01.png | | width=400 }} ]] || [[ attachment:AP8MIN1.png | {{ attachment:AP8MIN1.png | | width=400 }} ]] || || [[ attachment:AP8MIN10.png | {{ attachment:AP8MIN10.png | | width=400 }} ]] || [[ attachment:AP8MIN50.png | {{ attachment:AP8MIN50.png | | width=400 }} ]] || || [[ attachment:AP8MIN100.png | {{ attachment:AP8MIN100.png | | width=400 }} ]] || [[ attachment:AP8MIN400.png | {{ attachment:AP8MIN400.png | | width=400 }} ]] || ||<-2> [[ attachment:AP8MINL.png | {{ attachment:AP8MINL.png | | width=850 }} ]] ||