Changing Orbits to M288

How do we get from any arbitrary orbit to M288? The following techniques may not be optimal for minimal \Delta V , but they set an upper bound. We will assume Kepler orbits and a circular M288 destination orbit, and heavy objects unaffected by light pressure. Actual thinsat orbits are elliptical and precess over a year with J2 and light pressure.

The origin elliptical Kepler orbit has four parameters we need to compute two \Delta V burns for our transfer orbit:

* Apogee r_a

* Perigee r_p

* Inclination i

* argument of perigee \omega

We can compute the semimajor axis a and the eccentricity e from the apogee and perigee

The angle of the ascending and descending nodes do not affect the \Delta V burns, though they do affect when we make our burns so we insert into the desired destination region of the M288 orbit.

Maneuvers use the least \Delta V farther out, so we will use different strategies depending on whether the apogee of the origin orbit is higher or lower than the M288 orbit r_288 .

Describing an arbitrary Kepler Orbit

Assume an x,y,z coordinate space and an orbit in the horizontal X,Y plane:


Add 45 degree argument of perigee (rotate around vertical Z axis):


Add 30 degree inclination (rotate around horizontal X axis):
