Henry Petroski
To Forgive Design - Understanding Failure
Hillsboro Brookwood Library, 620.0045 2012
- p87 "Scientific understanding didn't progress by looking for truth; it did so by looking for mistakes."
William Rosen The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry, and Invention
- Multco Central 909.81 R8133m 2010 . . . Washco Bvtn 909.81 ROS
p183 The Sons of Martha
- p206 Tacoma Narrows bridge failure 1940 July 1 to November 7
- car: reporter Leonard Coatsworth, small dog Tubby trapped and died
Length to width ratio 72 >> 45 for Golden Gate bridge, 5x lower weigh per foot
- p290+ Deepwater Horizon, jammed blind shear ram
- Over 25 years and 15,000 wells off North America and in North Sea, 11 activations of blowout preventers, 5 failures
- Cost of drilling stop $40K/hr