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Server Sky arrays will eventually fill large regions of space. They will all be travelling in the same large pattern, in allocated orbits with the same period.
Nearby server-sats will be moving at nearly identical velocities. However, an encounter with vehicles and structures that are NOT in the same orbit could be catastrophic.
Server Sky arrays will eventually fill large regions of space. They will all be traveling in the same large pattern, in allocated orbits with the same period, all surrounding a central equatorial orbit. Nearby server-sats will be moving at nearly identical velocities. A constellation of server-sky arrays will never be in self-intersecting orbits. They can only - potentially - collide with other objects that cross their orbit.
Most objects are in low earth orbit, a few are in GPS and Geosynchronous orbits.
In between, there are a few objects in elliptical transfer orbits - mostly spent rocket boosters and failed satellites. Since most of these transfer orbits are inclined, they only cross the equatorial plane in two places. If those crossing places are at higher or lower altitudes (99% are) they will not intersect a server-sky satellite until their orbit changes significantly.
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Carefully positioned gaps in the clouds can be allocated to provide safe passage for the vehicles they might interact with. Given sufficient warning, server-sat arrays can be deflected out of the way of collisions with tracked objects. Because server-sats use light pressure for maneuvering, they do not run out of fuel, and will remain in position as long as at least a portion of the redundant control circuitry is still operable. If a server-sat fails completely, another server-sat can slowly push it towards a disposal area. Unlike traditional big-iron satellites, a server sky array will never go dead and out of control - when obsolete, an array will gather in one place and wait for disposal.
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=== Satellites in highly elliptical orbit === Server satellites can act as orbiting phased array radar illuminators. In combination with sensitive dish receivers, they can locate and track orbiting objects, even small ones, that might eventually pass through an array and possibly cause damage. In a day or two, an array can reposition itself away from the path of the collider. This is another advantage of an "infinite fuel supply". If the server sky data is good enough, it can be used to accurately predict collisions between other satellites. Server sky technology can potentially greatly reduce satellite collision rates.
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There are a few of these, such as the russian Molniya satellites. If they are well tracked, they can be avoided. If they are in 12 or 24 hour orbits, then
regular gaps in the array can allow them to pass unhindered.
Carefully positioned gaps in the clouds can be allocated to provide safe passage for objects passing through, such as high orbit launches.
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MORE LATER Even if an array completely loses control, and server-sat light pressure shifts the orbit so that perigee is in the densely occupied low earth orbit region (where all collisions to date have occurred), the server-satellites are soon cleared out of that orbit by atmospheric drag. The "ballistic coefficient" is so very small that even the residual gas at 1000 kilometers altitude is enough to decay the orbit in a few years. At the 300 kilometer altitude of the international space station, the drag is enough to bring down a server satellite in hours.
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=== Launch vehicles passing through the Server Sky orbits === In the distant future, we may launching billions of server satellites into orbit per day. We will be launching much thinner satellites to much higher orbits, well above geosynchronous orbit. From there, the delta-V to earth escape is smaller than the delta-V to earth reentry. If we lose control of all of them, only a few will return to earth, and they will do so over a very long time. Meanwhile, perhaps a thousand tons of meteoric material falls to earth every day, and a lot more passes by the earth. So the additional effect on orbital assets will be small, and if we have lost control of server sky, we have probably lost control of those assets, too.
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MORE LATER It is hard to imagine a scenario where server sky adds to the existing space collision problem. Different altitudes, different orbital planes, better control, and active collision warning and avoidance, along with an aggressive program to remove obsolete server satellites, will make server sky an essential part of the solution.
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=== Server-sat launch buses ===

Gaps in the server sky cloud also permits insertion of new server-sats into the cloud. Launch buses can be maneuvered into same period orbits from below, just ahead of the server-sat array they will be "seeding". The server-sats they release will slowly maneuver backwards into the array.

[[http://webpages.charter.net/dkessler/files/KesSym.html|Kessler Syndrome]] estimates of "critical mass" are relevant at some density of occupation.

Problem: Collisions

Server Sky arrays will eventually fill large regions of space. They will all be traveling in the same large pattern, in allocated orbits with the same period, all surrounding a central equatorial orbit. Nearby server-sats will be moving at nearly identical velocities. A constellation of server-sky arrays will never be in self-intersecting orbits. They can only - potentially - collide with other objects that cross their orbit.

Most objects are in low earth orbit, a few are in GPS and Geosynchronous orbits. In between, there are a few objects in elliptical transfer orbits - mostly spent rocket boosters and failed satellites. Since most of these transfer orbits are inclined, they only cross the equatorial plane in two places. If those crossing places are at higher or lower altitudes (99% are) they will not intersect a server-sky satellite until their orbit changes significantly.

Because server-sats use light pressure for maneuvering, they do not run out of fuel, and will remain in position as long as at least a portion of the redundant control circuitry is still operable. If a server-sat fails completely, another server-sat can slowly push it towards a disposal area. Unlike traditional big-iron satellites, a server sky array will never go dead and out of control - when obsolete, an array will gather in one place and wait for disposal.

Server satellites can act as orbiting phased array radar illuminators. In combination with sensitive dish receivers, they can locate and track orbiting objects, even small ones, that might eventually pass through an array and possibly cause damage. In a day or two, an array can reposition itself away from the path of the collider. This is another advantage of an "infinite fuel supply". If the server sky data is good enough, it can be used to accurately predict collisions between other satellites. Server sky technology can potentially greatly reduce satellite collision rates.

Carefully positioned gaps in the clouds can be allocated to provide safe passage for objects passing through, such as high orbit launches.

Even if an array completely loses control, and server-sat light pressure shifts the orbit so that perigee is in the densely occupied low earth orbit region (where all collisions to date have occurred), the server-satellites are soon cleared out of that orbit by atmospheric drag. The "ballistic coefficient" is so very small that even the residual gas at 1000 kilometers altitude is enough to decay the orbit in a few years. At the 300 kilometer altitude of the international space station, the drag is enough to bring down a server satellite in hours.

In the distant future, we may launching billions of server satellites into orbit per day. We will be launching much thinner satellites to much higher orbits, well above geosynchronous orbit. From there, the delta-V to earth escape is smaller than the delta-V to earth reentry. If we lose control of all of them, only a few will return to earth, and they will do so over a very long time. Meanwhile, perhaps a thousand tons of meteoric material falls to earth every day, and a lot more passes by the earth. So the additional effect on orbital assets will be small, and if we have lost control of server sky, we have probably lost control of those assets, too.

It is hard to imagine a scenario where server sky adds to the existing space collision problem. Different altitudes, different orbital planes, better control, and active collision warning and avoidance, along with an aggressive program to remove obsolete server satellites, will make server sky an essential part of the solution.

Kessler Syndrome estimates of "critical mass" are relevant at some density of occupation.

Space Elevators

If space elevators ever come to pass ( launch loops are more likely ) they will pass through the orbital plane of the serversats twice a day. Gaps must be created for them. However, a failing space elevator cable will likely sweep through areas without gaps. In a densely populated server cloud, this may smash many server-sats, and the flying debris from those might damage more. Eventually, the non-synchronous debris will slow down to cloud velocity, but not before it bumps into a lot of server-sats. Cleanup after a space elevator failure will be expensive.


ProblemCollisions (last edited 2013-02-17 05:27:44 by KeithLofstrom)