Three Futures

Paradise, Hell, or Overrated?

The Inevitable

Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future

Kevin Kelly 2016 Bvtn 303.483 KEL


Kevin Kelly consumes content, and writes about it. But does he make? anything physical, like webservers or book printing plants? These are the economic chokepoints, and with industry consolidation, the owners of his future. Techno-serfdom.


In real life, we make two steps forward and one step back, until war (engendered by thwarted expectations) takes us ten steps back. On average, we advance over time, and the future will be better, but each increment of better will be harder to do. We won't get there by watching stunts on youtube.

Missing from the index: power (political and electrical), physical resources, pollution, savings, investment, insight, relevance, meaning, invention (except of crime), discipline, contemplation, poverty, charity, peacemaking, freedom, reputation, honor, responsibility ... This is perpetual adolescence, not a future for resposible adults.

You Are Not A Gadget

A Manifesto

Jaron Lanier 2010 Bvtn 303.4833 LAN


Jaron Lanier makes music, and worries about free content. But when sorta-OK content can be created almost for free by a surplus of willing providers, and copying is free, why pay for more?

In 1930s Africa, Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen) writes of illiterate natives paying semiliterate letter writers to write letters and read them. In a rich educated society, those who want to can write and read their own letters. Certainly there are superb letter writers and discerning readers available, but why should we hire them? Perhaps an even richer society will dispense with professional musicians and actors and writers, and (aided by some technology) democratize the creation of vast quantities of personalized entertainment.

If Lanier's personality matches his writing, I probably don't want to meet him.

About this point, I get frustrated. Lanier does not like what people are becoming, and I don't either. But he sees solutions in limits and control and top-down impositions (such as a rigid structure for micropayments), because individuals make bad choices. What makes his own bad choices better than the rest of ours?

Lanier is the anti-Kelly, but "the truth" is not on a line somewhere in between. The truth has as many dimensions as there are people, and when individuals actively collaborate, those dimensions get explored. There is no mass market solution for individual exploration without freedom of association (and dissociation). Stick to the DNA of a free society, and don't restrict interaction for efficiency, profitability, or security, and amazing collaborations and ideas will emerge. Some amazingly bad; hopefully those failures will be public and instructive to the other seven billion of us.


The Myths of Technology Change

Bob Seidensticker 3006 Bvtn 303.483 SEI

Read cover to cover, this places hype about future technological marvels in context.

Seidensticker is a partypooper. At some point, all parties need pooping, so we can start looking for the next party. He is more earnest and fact-driven than Lanier. As a lover of facts, I enjoyed this book.

My engineering philosophy is "that won't work, but this might." "Won't work" is my raw material. Here's a whole book full.
