Attachment 'ap01.c'


   1 // ap01.c
   2 // cc -o ap01 ap01.c -lgd -lpng -lm
   3 // 
   4 // Apogee skew   Keith Lofstrom  May 11, 2009
   5 //
   6 // Uses the libgd library.  For documentation see the file:
   7 //     /usr/share/doc/gd-*/index.html  
   8 // or the website:
   9 //
  11 #define  RMMKDIR    "rm -rf ap01dir ; mkdir ap01dir"
  12 #define  PNGFMT     "ap01dir/a%04d.png"
  13 #define  PNG2SWF    "png2swf -o ap01.swf -r 20 ap01dir/*.png" 
  14 #define  XSIZE      1000
  15 #define  YSIZE       600
  16 #define  YCENTER     372
  17 #define  SPACE        60
  18 #define  SIZE         20
  19 #define  NUM          25
  20 #define  NUMX          5
  21 #define  NPICS       200
  22 #define  ESIZE        90
  23 #define  ORBSIZE      90
  24 #define  SSIZE        20
  25 #define  ZFACTR      0.1
  26 #define  LAYER       0.8
  27 #define  PSIZE         6
  28 #define  TOP         100
  29 #define  FNT        "DejaVuMonoSans"
  30 #define  FSZ          40
  32 #include <gd.h>
  33 #include <math.h>
  34 #include <stdio.h>
  35 #include <stdlib.h>
  37 int  sun1, white, red, green, blue     ; //  color indexes 
  38 int  dred, gray, trans, lgray, cyan    ;
  39 int  dgray, yellow, magenta, black     ; 
  40 int  dcyan                             ;
  41 int  col00, col01, col02, col03, col04 ; 
  42 int  col05, col06, col07, col08, col09 ;
  43 int  col10, col11, col12, col13, col14 ;
  44 int  col15, col16, col17, col18, col19 ; 
  45 int  color[NUM];
  46 double  xarr[NUM];
  47 double  yarr[NUM];
  48 double  zarr[NUM];
  49 double  xdis[NUM];  // scaled and translated x
  50 double  wdis[NUM];  // unscaled y
  51 double  ydis[NUM];  // scaled and translated y
  52 double  zdis[NUM];  // unscaled z
  53 double  xcenter = XSIZE / 2 ;
  54 double  ycenter = YCENTER ;
  55 int     ex      = (int) (XSIZE-1.4*ORBSIZE) ;
  56 int     ey      = (int) (      1.4*ORBSIZE) ;
  58 double     pi2    = 6.283185307 ;
  59 gdImagePtr im;                          // Declare the image
  60 FILE       *pngout;                     // Declare output file
  62 void  colorstart() {
  63    white   = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 255, 255, 255);
  64    black   = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   0,   0,   0);
  65    gray    = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 128, 128, 128);
  66    dgray   = gdImageColorAllocate (im,  96,  96,  96);
  67    lgray   = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 192, 192, 192);
  68    cyan    = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   0, 192, 192);
  69    dcyan   = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   0,  48,  48);
  70    red     = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 255,   0,   0);
  71    dred    = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 128,   0,   0);
  72    yellow  = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 255, 255,   0);
  73    green   = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   0, 255,   0);
  74    blue    = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   0,   0, 255);
  75    magenta = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 192,   0, 192);
  76    trans   = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   1,   1,   1);
  77    col01   = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 255, 192,   0);
  78    col02   = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 192, 255,   0);
  79    col03   = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 128, 255, 128);
  80    col04   = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   0, 255, 192);
  81    col05   = gdImageColorAllocate (im,   0, 192, 255);
  82    col06   = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 128, 128, 255);
  83    col07   = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 192,   0, 255);
  84    col08   = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 255,   0, 192);
  85    col09   = gdImageColorAllocate (im, 255, 128, 128);
  86 }
  88 // set up array positions 
  89 void  astart() {
  90    color[ 0]=  yellow; zarr[ 0]= 0.0; yarr[ 0]= 0.0; xarr[ 0]= 0.0;
  91    color[ 1]=   col08; zarr[ 1]= 1.0; yarr[ 1]= 0.0; xarr[ 1]= 0.0;
  92    color[ 2]=    blue; zarr[ 2]= 1.0; yarr[ 2]= 1.0; xarr[ 2]= 0.0;
  93    color[ 3]=     red; zarr[ 3]= 0.0; yarr[ 3]= 1.0; xarr[ 3]= 0.0;
  94    color[ 4]=   green; zarr[ 4]=-1.0; yarr[ 4]= 1.0; xarr[ 4]= 0.0;
  95    color[ 5]=   col01; zarr[ 5]=-1.0; yarr[ 5]= 0.0; xarr[ 5]= 0.0;
  96    color[ 6]=   col02; zarr[ 6]=-1.0; yarr[ 6]=-1.0; xarr[ 6]= 0.0;
  97    color[ 7]=   col03; zarr[ 7]= 0.0; yarr[ 7]=-1.0; xarr[ 7]= 0.0;
  98    color[ 8]=   col04; zarr[ 8]= 1.0; yarr[ 8]=-1.0; xarr[ 8]= 0.0;
  99    color[ 9]=   col05; zarr[ 9]= 2.0; yarr[ 9]= 2.0; xarr[ 9]= 0.0;
 100    color[10]=   col06; zarr[10]= 2.0; yarr[10]= 1.0; xarr[10]= 0.0;
 101    color[11]=   col07; zarr[11]= 2.0; yarr[11]= 0.0; xarr[11]= 0.0;
 102    color[12]=   col08; zarr[12]= 2.0; yarr[12]=-1.0; xarr[12]= 0.0;
 103    color[13]=   col09; zarr[13]= 2.0; yarr[13]=-2.0; xarr[13]= 0.0;
 104    color[14]= magenta; zarr[14]= 1.0; yarr[14]=-2.0; xarr[14]= 0.0;
 105    color[15]=    cyan; zarr[15]= 0.0; yarr[15]=-2.0; xarr[15]= 0.0;
 106    color[16]=    gray; zarr[16]=-1.0; yarr[16]=-2.0; xarr[16]= 0.0;
 107    color[17]=   dgray; zarr[17]=-2.0; yarr[17]=-2.0; xarr[17]= 0.0;
 108    color[18]=   col01; zarr[18]=-2.0; yarr[18]=-1.0; xarr[18]= 0.0;
 109    color[19]=   col02; zarr[19]=-2.0; yarr[19]= 0.0; xarr[19]= 0.0;
 110    color[20]=   col03; zarr[20]=-2.0; yarr[20]= 1.0; xarr[20]= 0.0;
 111    color[21]=   white; zarr[21]=-2.0; yarr[21]= 2.0; xarr[21]= 0.0;
 112    color[22]=   col05; zarr[22]=-1.0; yarr[22]= 2.0; xarr[22]= 0.0;
 113    color[23]=   col06; zarr[23]= 0.0; yarr[23]= 2.0; xarr[23]= 0.0;
 114    color[24]=   col07; zarr[24]= 1.0; yarr[24]= 2.0; xarr[24]= 0.0;
 115 }  
 117 // draw arrowhead (either degrees or radians )
 118 void arrowhead( double xp, double yp, double asize,
 119                 double deg, double rad, int color ) {
 120    double angl = rad+pi2*deg/360.0 ;
 121    gdPoint arrow[3] ;
 123    arrow[0].x = (int)(xp);
 124    arrow[0].y = (int)(yp);
 125    arrow[1].x = (int)(xp+asize*(    -cos(angl)-0.5*sin(angl)));
 126    arrow[1].y = (int)(yp+asize*( 0.5*cos(angl)-    sin(angl)));
 127    arrow[2].x = (int)(xp+asize*(    -cos(angl)+0.5*sin(angl)));
 128    arrow[2].y = (int)(yp+asize*(-0.5*cos(angl)-    sin(angl)));
 129    gdImageFilledPolygon( im, arrow, 3, color );
 130 }
 132 // draw arrow 
 133 void arrow( double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, int color ) {
 134    double  asize = 0.02*(x1-x0) ;
 136    gdImageLine( im, (int)x0, (int)y0, (int)x1, (int)y1, color ) ;
 137    arrowhead( x1, y1, 0.02*(x1-x0), 0.0, 0.0, color ) ;
 138 }
 141 // draw earth and orbiting body and side arrow
 142 int orbit = 2*ORBSIZE ;
 143 void earth( double ang ) {
 144    double  x,  y  ;
 145    double  xs, ys ;
 146    double  deg= 360.0 * ang / pi2 ;
 147    gdPoint trap[4] ;
 148    gdImageFilledArc(im, ex, ey, ESIZE, ESIZE,   0, 360, dcyan, gdArc);
 149    gdImageFilledArc(im, ex, ey, ESIZE, ESIZE,  90, 270,  cyan, gdArc);
 150    gdImageArc(      im, ex, ey, orbit, orbit,  30, 330, white );
 151    gdImageArc(      im, ex, ey, orbit, orbit, 330,  30, dgray );
 153    x = -ORBSIZE - PSIZE  ;
 154    y = 3.0*PSIZE ;
 155    trap[0].x = ex+ (int) (x*cos(ang)+y*sin(ang));
 156    trap[0].y = ey+ (int) (y*cos(ang)-x*sin(ang));
 158    x = -ORBSIZE - PSIZE  ;
 159    y = 1.0*PSIZE ;
 160    trap[1].x = ex+(int) (x*cos(ang)+y*sin(ang));
 161    trap[1].y = ey+(int) (y*cos(ang)-x*sin(ang));
 163    x = -ORBSIZE + PSIZE  ;
 164    y = -3.0*PSIZE ;
 165    trap[2].x = ex+(int) (x*cos(ang)+y*sin(ang));
 166    trap[2].y = ey+(int) (y*cos(ang)-x*sin(ang));
 168    x = -ORBSIZE + PSIZE  ;
 169    y = -1.0*PSIZE ;
 170    trap[3].x = ex+(int) (x*cos(ang)+y*sin(ang));
 171    trap[3].y = ey+(int) (y*cos(ang)-x*sin(ang));
 173    if( (deg<210.0) && (deg>150.0) ) {
 174       gdImageFilledPolygon( im, trap, 4, dgray );
 175    } else {
 176       gdImageFilledPolygon( im, trap, 4, white );
 177    }
 179    // draw arrowhead to show side point of view
 181    x= -ORBSIZE - 2.0*PSIZE ;
 182    y=  0.0 ;
 183    xs = x*cos(ang)+y*sin(ang) + (double) ex ;
 184    ys = y*cos(ang)-x*sin(ang) + (double) ey ;
 186    arrowhead( xs, ys, 2*PSIZE,  0.0, -ang, white );
 187 }
 189 // ========================================================================
 191 int main() {
 192    double  angle ;
 193    int     i     ;
 194    int     xcnt  ;
 195    int     frame ;
 196    char    pngfilename[64];
 198    double  test   ;   // depth testing
 199    int     ox, oy ;
 200    int     s0     ;
 202    system( RMMKDIR );
 204    for( frame = 0 ; frame < NPICS ; frame++ ) {
 205       im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(XSIZE, YSIZE );
 206       sprintf( pngfilename,  PNGFMT, frame );
 207       pngout = fopen( pngfilename, "wb");
 209       angle = frame * pi2 / NPICS ;
 210       colorstart() ;
 211       astart()     ;
 212       earth(angle) ;
 214       //  labels -----------------------------------------------------------
 216       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL,                       // imagespace, bounding 
 217                        white, FNT, FSZ,                // color, font, fontsize
 218                        0.0, 0.00*XSIZE, 0.98*YSIZE,    // angle, x, y
 219                        " Side View" );                 // the text
 221       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL,                       // imagespace, bounding
 222                        white, FNT, FSZ/2,              // color, font, fontsize
 223                        0.0, 0.00*XSIZE, 0.28*YSIZE,    // angle, x, y
 224 		       "   Side View" );               // the text
 226       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL,                       // imagespace, bounding
 227                        white, FNT, FSZ/2,              // color, font, fontsize
 228                        0.0, 0.25*XSIZE, 0.28*YSIZE,    // angle, x, y
 229 		       " Front View" );                // the text
 231       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL,                       // imagespace, bounding
 232                        white, FNT, FSZ/2,              // color, font, fontsize
 233                        0.0, 0.46*XSIZE, 0.28*YSIZE,    // angle, x, y
 234 		       "   Top View" );                // the text
 236       //  time code -------------------------------------------------------
 238       double time0 = ( 4.0 * (double) frame ) / ( (double) NPICS ) ;
 239       char   timestring[64] ;
 241       sprintf( timestring, "%3.1f/4.0 hours, 1440x speedup", time0 );
 243       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL,                       // imagespace, bounding 
 244                        white, FNT, 0.6*FSZ,            // color, font, fontsize
 245                        0.0, XSIZE-14.0*FSZ,            // angle, x
 246                        0.98*YSIZE, timestring );       // y, the text 
 248       //  direction arrows ------------------------------------------------
 250       arrow( 0.00*XSIZE,      ycenter, 0.96*XSIZE,      ycenter, lgray );
 251       arrow( 0.01*XSIZE, 0.25*ycenter, 0.25*XSIZE, 0.25*ycenter, lgray );
 252       arrow( 0.46*XSIZE, 0.25*ycenter, 0.70*XSIZE, 0.25*ycenter, lgray );
 254       //  draw main view from side ----------------------------------------
 255       for( i=0 ; i < NUM ; i++ ) {
 256          zdis[i] = cos(angle)*zarr[i]+sin(angle)*yarr[i] ;
 257          wdis[i] = cos(angle)*yarr[i]-sin(angle)*zarr[i];
 258          ydis[i] = ycenter - SPACE*wdis[i];
 259          xdis[i] = xcenter + SPACE*(2.0*zdis[i]-0.5*NUMX) ;
 260       }
 263       for( test = -5.0*LAYER ; test < 5.0*LAYER ; test += LAYER ) {
 264          for( i=0 ; i < NUM ; i++ ) {
 265             for( xcnt = 0 ; xcnt < NUMX ; xcnt++ ) {
 266                if( ( zdis[i] >= test ) && ( zdis[i] < ( test+LAYER ) ) ) {
 268                   // main side view
 269                   s0 = (int) (   SIZE * (1.00 + ZFACTR * zdis[i] ) ) ;
 270 	          ox = (int) (SPACE*xcnt + xdis[i] ) ;
 271                   oy = (int) ydis[i];
 272 		  gdImageFilledArc(im, ox, oy, s0, s0, 0, 360, color[i], gdArc);
 274                   // small side view
 275                   s0 = (int) ( 0.25*SIZE * (1.00 + ZFACTR * zdis[i] ) ) ;
 276                   ox = (int) ( 0.01*XSIZE + 0.25*(SPACE*xcnt+xdis[i]) );
 277                   oy = (int) ( 0.25*ydis[i] );
 278                   gdImageFilledArc(im, ox, oy, s0, s0, 0, 360, color[i], gdArc);
 280                }
 282                if( ( wdis[i] >= test ) && ( wdis[i] < ( test+LAYER ) ) ) {
 283                   // small top view  
 284                   s0 = (int) ( 0.25*SIZE * (1.00 + ZFACTR * wdis[i] ) ) ;
 285                   ox = (int) ( 0.46*XSIZE + 0.25*(SPACE*xcnt+xdis[i]));
 286                   oy = (int) ( 0.25*(ycenter+SPACE*zdis[i]) ) ;
 287                   gdImageFilledArc(im, ox, oy, s0, s0, 0, 360, color[i], gdArc);
 288                }
 289             }
 291             // small front view - apogee to left, closer
 292             s0 = (int) ( 0.25*SIZE * (1.00 - ZFACTR * zdis[i] ) ) ;
 293             ox = (int) ( 0.35*XSIZE + 0.25*SPACE*zdis[i] ) ;
 294             oy = (int) ( 0.25*ydis[i] );
 295             gdImageFilledArc(im, ox, oy, s0, s0, 0, 360, color[i], gdArc);
 296          }
 297       }
 299       /* Output the frame in PNG format. */
 300       gdImagePngEx( im, pngout, 1 );
 301       gdImageDestroy(im);
 302       fclose(pngout);
 303    }
 305    system( PNG2SWF );
 306 }

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