Attachment 't26.c'
Download 1 // t26.c
2 // v0.1 KHL 2009-04-21
3 // gcc -o t26 t26.c -lm -lgd ; ./t26
4 // static drawing, though slow to compute
5 // earth and toroid around orbit
7 #define TITLE "M288, 2500 orbits"
8 #define GIFOUT "t26.gif"
9 #define NORB -24
10 #define DELTANG 0.2
11 #define ORBWIDTH 9
12 #define ANG0 0
13 #define ANG1 90
14 #define ANG2 142
15 #define NELIP 32
16 #define RADIUS 0.44367
18 #include "tor00.hc"
20 int main () {
21 double t_ang ;
22 int e_cnt ;
23 int orb ;
25 gdPoint ellipse0[NELIP+2];
26 gdPoint ellipse1[NELIP+2];
28 displaystart();
30 torstart();
32 gdImageGifAnimBegin( im1, gifout, 1, -1 ) ; // no repeat
33 // gdImageGifAnimBegin( im1, gifout, 1, 4 ) ; // repeat 4 times
34 // gdImageGifAnimBegin( im1, gifout, 1, 0 ) ; // continuous repeat
36 framestart( 90, TITLE );
38 // draw back portion of the orbit toroid
40 double acolor = 0.0 ;
42 for( t_ang=ANG0 ; t_ang < ANG2 ; t_ang += DELTANG ) {
44 double ecolor ;
45 if( acolor < 0.5 ) { ecolor = gray ; }
46 else {
47 ecolor = lgray ;
48 if( acolor > 14.5 ) { acolor -= 15.0 ; }
49 }
50 acolor += DELTANG ;
52 double angle_rad=DEG2RAD( t_ang );
54 // ellipse disk - since it is at an angle, we will have to draw it
55 // as a filled polygon
57 // ellipse disk on left
58 for( e_cnt=0 ; e_cnt < NELIP ; e_cnt++ ) {
59 double toa = angle_rad + (2.0*PI*e_cnt)/NELIP ;
60 double tos = RADIUS ;
61 double tor = tos * cos( toa );
62 double toy = tos * sin( toa );
63 double tox = -(major+tor)*sin( angle_rad );
64 double toz = -(major+tor)*cos( angle_rad );
65 ellipse0[e_cnt] = sr0( tox, toy, toz );
66 }
67 gdImagePolygon( im, ellipse0, NELIP, ecolor );
69 // ellipse disk on right
70 for( e_cnt=0 ; e_cnt < NELIP ; e_cnt++ ) {
71 double toa = -angle_rad + (2.0*PI*e_cnt)/NELIP ;
72 double tos = RADIUS ;
73 double tor = tos * cos( toa );
74 double toy = tos * sin( toa );
75 double tox = -(major+tor)*sin( -angle_rad );
76 double toz = -(major+tor)*cos( -angle_rad );
77 ellipse1[e_cnt] = sr0( tox, toy, toz );
78 }
79 gdImagePolygon( im, ellipse1, NELIP, ecolor );
80 }
82 gdImageFilledPolygon( im, ellipse0, NELIP, black );
83 gdImagePolygon( im, ellipse0, NELIP, lgray );
85 gdImageFilledPolygon( im, ellipse1, NELIP, black );
86 gdImagePolygon( im, ellipse1, NELIP, lgray );
88 int ptx ;
89 int pty ;
90 gdPoint ptxy ;
91 double ptd = 0.1*step ;
92 double ang2_rad =DEG2RAD( ANG2 );
93 int ptmy = (int) sqrt(800.0);
95 // orbit points on left and right
96 for( pty = -ptmy ; pty <= ptmy ; pty++ ) {
97 int ptmx = (int) sqrt( (double)( 800 - pty*pty ) );
98 for( ptx = -ptmx ; ptx <= ptmx ; ptx++ ) {
99 double ptx0 = ptd * ptx ;
100 double pty0 = ptd * pty ;
101 double ptr1 = ptx0 * cos( ang2_rad ) - pty0 * sin( ang2_rad ) + major ;
102 double pty1 = pty0 * cos( ang2_rad ) + ptx0 * sin( ang2_rad ) ;
103 double ptz1 = -ptr1 * cos( ang2_rad ) ;
104 double ptx1 = -ptr1 * sin( ang2_rad ) ;
106 ptxy = sr0( ptx1, pty1, ptz1 );
107 gdImageSetPixel( im, ptxy.x, ptxy.y, white );
109 ptxy = sr0( -ptx1, pty1, ptz1 );
110 gdImageSetPixel( im, ptxy.x, ptxy.y, white );
111 }
112 }
114 drawearth();
115 sprintf( bottom, "%5.0fkm spacing between orbits", 637.80*step/re );
117 frameend();
118 displayend();
119 return 0;
120 }
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